Change of Habitat
Tuesday, November 14, 2006 I have a new blog, decided to keep this one away, will leave it for a month for notification purposes before i delete it. New site will be here. leaving skool f-r3d at 8:45 PM 0 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} Childhood dream no. 4756190= Fulfilled Friday, June 23, 2006 You know when you are young, say, like 5-9 years old, kids that age often like to dream, it's as if dreaming is like part of their life. I, without a doubt, belong to one of those dreamy naive little souls. Still remember those days, where i dont really have my own toys but leftover treassures from my brother and sister, and due to the age gap between me and my siblings i wasnt really welcome when they are having their own fun with their more matured childplay. Therefore, out of desperation and maybe a slight blessing of creativity, both of my hands became my proxy superheroes... One thing good about pure imagination is that, u can perceive anything and everything and a small pair of hands of mine will turned out to be the best looking superman and batman's toy. Set aside those things, i used to dream alot, a whole lot more than now... I have alot of weird childhood dreams, alot of unrealistic ones and some are reachable... Ever since i started my path along the human psychology and mind, i begin to look inward more and realize that some of those little dreams could really be something that i wanna do, and would really be something that i will be so proud of if i've done it, so.. i decided (around 18-19 years old) to try my best and fulfill each and every tangible childhood dreams i use to had that i can still remember. For the past 2-3 years, i've completed some of those dreams, such as dressed up like a mafia for some occasion (my prom), snowboarding, picked up judo, started my weapon collection, became someone that's physically abnormal (i meant my blackhole-tummy and super high metabolism rate), jumped down from second storey (sorry, mom n dad, but i wasn't drunk, high, drugged or any sort, just wanted to try it out), and now.. finally, getting my hair braided.. FiNALLY!!! ![]() Predator in the house!! Rear view ![]() oh.. my hair arent that long, 30-40% of what u see are extensions.. Aerial View ![]() Seriously, it looks like shoelaces from up close. 19th of June, 2006, a day that i shall try to remember at least.. it's that memorable day that i finally got my hair braided. After much of research, calculation and contemplation, i finally went ahead and did it!!! Many people thought that i had this thought of getting my hair braided from the image of Bob Marley.. but actually.. the thing that inspired me for this was the show Predator. (Notice, my hairstyle is exactly like that alien-predator) For anyone who's curious about the entire process, as in, what exactly is this, how exactly they do it? how do u feel? etc, i shall put down all those in here.. step by step.. First up, there are alot of different types of braiding, and this one in particular is what u called a single-plant braiding. It's different from cornrolls, double witted, micro-style, and etc. The whole idea of single plant, is to 1) pick up a strand of ur original hair (say 5 inches), 2) pick up a strand of hair extension (with the color u desire of course) with the length of 2.5x longer than that of 1), then 3) skillfully use the strand of extensions to 'wrap' up ur original strand of hair (it works like how u bandage a finger, starting from the first joint), 4) braid it and pull it tightly once in awhile, while braiding (it was freaking painful), 5) use a lighter or a burner to burn the end of the strand, and use a pair of scissors to trim the ends, 6) final touch by trimming the baby hairs ontop and side of ur scalp. It might sounds simple, but it was one hell of a long procedure, it took the hairdresser a good old 8 hours and 7 minutes to finish a head with that length.. and now the question here, "is it painful?", oh HELL YEAH.. it's like having a good old 8 hrs and 7 mins of external head seizures.. everytime when Mary (the hairdresser from Cameroon) uses her strong fingers to pick up a strand of hairs of mine and tie a knot with the extensions, i felt like being phlunge by a dagger.. it was hell for the first 2-3 hrs.. but after that.. say what? Anyway, it might be as painful as hell and so on.. but, at least i think it's really cool.. especially for an attention seeker like me (i would considered myself as mild in that case), and yeah, a completion of a childhood dream. leaving skool f-r3d at 9:42 PM 1 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} Clash of Events Thursday, June 08, 2006 Just thought of taking a break from work, so here i am, blogging randomly (as i cant possibly think straight now) 8th of June, Thursday, it looks just like another usual day without any particular significance hiding beneath the calendar and metaphysics. To me, it isnt that random, as today's the birthday of my only blood related brother - Shiun. Yeap, it's true i m not that close with him now, i don't even have his MSN, and i hardly even talk to him since i am here, and he's back there in Malaysia. It's also true that, i often forgotten about his birthday for the past years, but for some strange reasons, not this year. So, shiun, if you happen to bum by this site, happy birthday, and may your wishes become true in the near future.... (lol, that sounds a lil cheesy.. n i m not quite used to seeing myself like that) Since I m far away here, i cant possibly get you anything as a present.. hence, i decided to write a little poem, and post it here.. (Since i m pretty lazy nowadays, and not being able to post so often at my poetic site - So, here it goes, "Brother in Blood" I stared at him with a youthful daze Looking at him with an admiring gaze Even though he'd only yell, “Get away!” I’d still listen to everything he’d say But as I grew older One could say I got smarter I started to fight back No longer taking his crap We began to drift apart Yelling at each other was the morning start Soon he taught me how to curse So now I could give him my worse I couldn't stand the sight of him I wanted to tear him apart limb by limb He embarrasses whenever he could Sometimes I believe his torture will never end! Sure, sometimes he has his moment Mother would call it his atonement That he was trying to protect me But then he'd go back to tormenting me I'd wait patiently for him to move away University boarding where he'll stay He’d pack up his things and to the airport Smiling as he told me he’d go far Now, it's my turn to go far away His presence, empty from what used to be inside I no longer scream all day Instead I wonder why I feel this way He was finally out of my life His appearance no longer cutting me like a knife So why is it, I look at pictures of me and him? Is it really possible that I miss him? Friends said I matured at last But really not that fast I said my brother realized this long ago He learnt this more than I could know This came as a shock as you can tell My brother could act very well But really now I knew That inside, I loved him too I hope that we could've seen the light And have finally stopped the fight We are siblings And that’s how we'll stay on living Hmm.. alright.. now aside from that.. today's also the eve of worldcup 2006, eve for the launch of new oceanic realm, Barthilas (PvP), the day i received my first 9/10 assignment at a postgrad level, the day i used to always forgotten.. well.. hopefully, not anymore... P.S- Pray for me, to get a HD for my management framework.. i think i stand a chance for that.. leaving skool f-r3d at 10:30 PM 1 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} Road to temporary freedom Tuesday, June 06, 2006 Just 2 mins ago, I was bumming at Roy's blog, reading his latest post, about this time of the year where everybody around you in the Uni are busy like worker bee trying to meet up its quota, mad like crazy professor attempting to transform a frog to a dog, worryng like a hamster inside its own cave waiting for the big fat cat to go away, and so on. Here, i would like to quote my cousin bro a lil, "yes yes i know they are worried, but then i look at myself(yes me!) a student too! and what am i doing? -reading blogs and all non-exam related stuff from the infinite depths of the internet...", (See, 2006). I am feeling exactly the same like him.. the only few differences between me n him, n maybe other students is that, first, I am a postgraduate student, hence, higher difficulty in terms of assessment n consequences to follow on. Second, I do not have exams, HOORAY!!!, but.. i have many many other major assignments in return. Third, although i have more flexible timeline for me to deal with my assessment, i very much prefer examination (i often score better in exams than major assignments). Fourth, i know that all of you would argue that "I also have assignments what, quite major also *insert ahbeng ah lian slang", well i agree on taht, but when i mentioned "major" here, i meant 3000 words n above, n mind you.. i have plenty of those. Fifth, most of the assignments are not structured, as in.. it's not instructed properly, it's free for all, as in, the lecturer allows you to do whatever you want as long as it;'s relevant to the course, n in return he/she will be 200% more strict on the marking, n nope, it's not a choice, it's compulsary for all of us to follow that "structure".. (where's my old sweet spoonfeeding method of education? lol) Anyway, what i m trying to say here is that, yes, as usual, just like the normal me, i m as calm as mount everest (ignore the avalanche once in awhile) even though i m so much closer to the end of the semester. So, yeah, right now right here, i m announcing that i m officially in deep shit (not so much of literally), but metaphorically, yes i m pretty swarmed right now. Official count of words to crunch out before 24th of June = approximately 13-14k. Sighz. Well, i m not completely unprepared n procrastinated this time, i have at least 3 skeletons for the assignments up n ready now, just waiting for me to go to the organ bank of knowledge n pick up the appropriate parts n pieces of flesh and bloods for my skeletons to be up n running. Now, it's easy to talk about it, but to actually enter deep down into my own library of thoughts n pick up stuffs n essences that are useful, that's something super difficult. The whole process involves, tons n tons of filtering, rearranging of materials (as i do not have a very good search engine in me), choosing, and finally producing something out of the gigantic library of nonsense in my mind. I've always been good in drawing the outline of something, a skeleton of something, a framework of something, but i am not so much of a filler type. Since young, i always like to sketch, but when comes to coloring n the whole process of completing a drawing by enriching it with colors, i sux, n i often turn the whole masterpiece into junkiepiece (tho i m often lucky, accidentally won some drawing contests before, :P) Maybe it's because of my personality, maybe it's because of my style of thinking, maybe it's because of my blood type, maybe it's because of my upbringing, i do not have an answer for that.. but yeah, i m a skeleton guy. So now, tho i have some skeletons up already, i still need to dug up 13 thousands clusters of visual information that made out of horrible looking symbols/icons called alphabets.. Oh damn.. i hate romanic alphabets, n the words that consists of those things.. ![]() 13k words more to go.. till i finally achieve my temporary freedom.. wish me luck man, i really need that. leaving skool f-r3d at 7:45 PM 1 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} Choice of Suprises Saturday, June 03, 2006 Now, before i begin, i need to apologize for not updating my blog for awhile.. i wasnt busy (not too much), i m just plain lazy and out of ideas. Alright, now let's the start the story telling. Earlier this week, on thursday night, few of us decided to throw a suprise birthday party thing for WeeSee, our taikache (big sister) here in Adelaide. Along with the initiative from the boyfriend (Annil), the pet younger brother (Andrew tan), the housemate (Patrick), and with the collaboration from our house n ashley's house, we decided to come up with something for her. Due to the fact that, i wasnt the organiser, and i wasnt really know what's going on until like.. thursday evening (weesee's birthday is on the friday, 2nd of june), when Annil gave me a call n asked me to come up with some excuses. As, according to the plan, everybody is suppose to gather at my place, and I (i seriously had no idea on why i must be the one who did this) was suppose to come up with some witty, chitty lies or excuses to call her and bring her down to our place. To come up with something to bring her down isnt something too difficult (well, i have confident in my ability in creating confusion and false information), however, not so easy this time, as Annil (the boyfriend) was forced to "piss" her off or some sort, due to the fact that he needs to seperate himself from her, and that leads to her complains of "not spending time" with her and so on, which also leads to her foul mood that night, which reflected n accurately reported to me from Andrew. So, now.. if you were me, what kind of lies would you think of? in order to bring her down to my place? Not to mention that, she was so pissed that, she wanted to go out alone to the beach to release some tension n all.. Well.. eventually.. i came up with a few ideas, n i've consulted with all my housemates, and came down to 3 options: 1) Jason accidentally cut his finger while preparing supper and the wound is so deep that we have to send him to the hospital (and weesee is the only person around here who owns a car), 2) Mindy's ashtma gotten serious and need to rush to the hospital, and 3) Chiam got possessed by evil spirits n we need to do something. Knowing me, with my bad desicion making capability n all.. i chose 3). Nah.. just kidding.. i chose 1) instead. As, for so many months, Jason had constantly inflict minor damages n injuries to himself while putting himself in the kitchen, and he's one n only person in our house that are so injury prone. So, as any usual individual can deduct the possibility, the chances of him cutting himself till so bad is actually pretty pretty high, tho Ashley they all disagree with me (even Weesee disagree with me later on). Oh well.. despite the disagreement on ideas, i somehow managed to pull that off.. n weesee finally arrived, n then.. i realized i made a miscalculation still.. As, she didnt want to get off the car, n insisted us to bring Jason to the car, which logically speaking, she's right. Ugly and incoherent, somehow, yet, we managed to convince her to come into the house first, with some lame excuses like Jason's trying to change or whatsoever, n the moment she come close to Jason's room door.. BOO~! We suprised her with our preparations n all.. what else.. lol. ![]() Weesee the birthday girl.. er.. woman attempting to blow the candles ![]() WeeSee cutting the "Magic" cake ![]() Clockwise from right: Mindy, WeeSee, Me, Chiam & Jason (the injured) Yeap, n so the party begins.. First up, we need to give some credits to Annil, who prepared some wonderful presents for WeeSee: a badly coordinated surprise party, something for bathing (cant remember what exactly), a child book, and a mysteriously wonderful birthday cake. Trust me, it's so wonderful that, people cant stopped praising him, and probing for the whereabout of the cake's origin. But oh well, he chose not to disclose, and i somehow guessed it right (as i confirmed it with WeeSee later).. muahahahahahaha.. but i wont tell you guys.. muahahahahaha.. p.s- i do accept bribery leaving skool f-r3d at 9:54 PM 0 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} |
![]() Host: F-r3d Occupation: Master in Everything Future occupation: Conflict evoker?