Idiotic or plain innocence?
Sunday, July 31, 2005 Looking at people standing in front of the crowds and embarrass him/herself without apparent reason and in an idiotic manner... sometimes you would wanna ask is being stupid a mere idiotic act that meant to insult our very existence or sometimes it could be the symbol of pure innocence? The simplicity of mind that did not take any future consequences and worries, the chastity of thoughts that allow intuition to flow out, the blamelessness of behavior that purges instinctive acts... What exactly do you call all these? I guess.. the best answer (or rather another excuse to relay or delay the question itself) would be, "ahh.. it depends la" Though it might sounds as if I am not answering anything at all.. yet, imo (in my oppinion) i think that's the best answer for this. As, to whose rights that suppose to determine which act is plain idiotic or genuine innocence? And please.. provide me an answer for what's being idiotic and what's not? when you see a clown doing all sorts of silly tricks and often making himself embarrassed in front of the audience, but in return, he earns their laughter and approval. Ask yourself.. Why would you laugh when you are witnessing a clown trying to pull out some stupid tricks? trying to be silly, idiotic in some sense and stupid? Have you ever thought that why all the comedians and comedies in the world tends to be stupid, silly, and trifling in order to get the attention of the viewers, in order trigger laughter? in order to spread happiness? Are they really that stupid after all? Are all the jokes really that silly in nature? Why are we so fascinated by silly things? Joke, can be defined as something said or done to provoke laughter, it also means the humorous or ridiculous element in something. And most important thing for us to laugh at a joke or to laugh at a comedy is that.. it's not meant to be taken seriously. Clowns, comedians, jokers, entertainers are given the mutual rights, and settings to be funny, in other words free license to be stupid, and proved a point to be ridicule. It sounds.. rather convincing and all.. but grasping back to the core.. could this world be another major scale joke? are we given the rights to be stupid and care free just for a lil moment sometimes? When should we be serious and not? Am i an idiot to think of all these? or just plain innocence? to question bout these nullyfying facts that wont produce any definite answer ![]() if i have to be stupid or looks stupid in order to make others happy, why not? leaving skool f-r3d at 4:33 PM 3 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} Recent reflection of myself Thursday, July 28, 2005 Hmm.. after a chat with a friend of mine, (no name shall be mentioned in this.. sorry Gary.. i apologize for that) i suddenly had a instant reflection on the current me. As in, how i used to be like, and how i really am for now.. it seems to me that, there are some discreprencies since my last realization on the way i carry myself in many sense (might be.. 3-4months ago). I somehow realized that.. i m not.. as critical, and as daring as before, that's one. Second, I am not as sarcastic as i used to.. and i m turning lamer and lamer... For those who knows bout my fish question.. you should know this... Really, it's weird.. how could oneself became so different in such a short period?? Why is that? What's going on? Is that because of my usual sense of sensitivity is decreasing in contrast of my age (in other words, am i growing old and turning blunt?) Is it because of the course i m currently doing? (am a psychology major, -.-!!) or issit because of the environment?? What's exactly the reason for that i am not so sure.. but one thing that is definitely related or co-related to that.. is the entertainment level of Adelaide City. According to environmental stimulation theordy (2031, which will be published by me in the future), the more boring the environment you are staying at is, the more blunt and dull you might become... hmmm how's that sound? Grr.. that's just a hypothesis of mine, and i dun really wanna blame it all to Adelaide.. it's not that bad afterall.. A friend of mine from Hong kong (Albert yam) just invited me on a fishing trip.. yeah.. so it aint so bad after all.. it's such an *exciting and thrilling life we are having over there.. so.. must treasure it.. *cough.. Anyway, during the conversation with Gary.. i mean.. my friend.. I replied to his comment of i m turning blunt with this,"oh well.. sometimes you just need to be a little blunt and square.. it's not good to be as sharp as a knife all the time, that's y you dont see carpenter using a knife to hammer nails". To me, since the current lifestyle i am adjusting to isnt that.. demanding and stressful, why turn on all your instinctive alarm and be alert all the time?? Be aloof.. learn from the hippos or.. the koalas.. eat more eucalyptus.. sleep more.. since the only thing i could spare with you is my time. So, don't be silly to judge me as less critical or blunt... it's not like i am putting a ring on something and committed to a fixed pattern of carrying myself for the rest of my life. In other words, saying that i am less daring is also another bull.. hello who wanna die early for nothing? though imitating some mild jackass stunts might seem to be part of my hobbies.. but.. no that's not how i earn my living, so i neednt put my own life on the line for that.. However, for the being less sarcastic part.. YES, I DO AGREE!!! In order to earn a "license-like" permission to BE sarcastic again, why not? leaving skool f-r3d at 8:49 PM 2 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} Back at the "Lake" Sunday, July 24, 2005 from 30th of June till 19th of July.. i've spent 20 days in Melbourne.. M all broke, tattered and splashed... for the remaining few months, it's imaginable that you wont see me as active as before and i need to keep my indomee plan on-going in order to cover what i've spent... Thanks to friends and cousins, i did not spend a single penny in accomodation (thanks to Shinyi, my cousins, auntie, uncle, Eric, etc) That's quite an achievement to me, i think. But really... need to thanks all of you for letting a "boring" person like me to stay... that's really something. Sorry, if i cost u guys any trouble whether consciously or not intentionally.. really tell me so, if i did commit something which i didn't know that annoy you or something. Apart from that.. i would like to thank those ppl who bring me around, All my cousins (Wz,Mz, &Mq), Jacke (or Jackie, or Jacky), Shinyi, JuYuan or Matthew, Eric, Lo, Andy, etc. Haha, really thanks alot for bringing around man.. it was fun most of the time... 20 days, it's not a very long period.. yet.. not too short to be forgotten anytime soon... It's quite a thrillin one, a lil crazy, and definitely a fun one. Met up some old frens as well.. bit lazy to mention it over here.. Anyway, let me recall on what i did and come up with a list of things that i've learned bout Melbourne (be bit observant and observe what i did thru that list.. :P, m not gonna list it out, i dont see the point) 29 things i've learned about Melbourne or from Melbourne or from people staying in Melbourne 1. Do not put your headphone on and play loud music when you are crossing tram tracks 2. Only get up a tram with no tram ticket with you and dont plan to get one, when you are rich enough to pay for the penalty. 3. "Hook Turn" is really something i wouldnt do in Malaysia.. and never thought of doing so 4. I am still amidst with the rumours surrounding Mekong's (a vietnamese restaurant, famous for its hor fun and delicious soup) method of preparing their soup... I never know that soup that made with cow's testicles could be that tasty... 5. Cheapest food you can get in Melbourne.. = the casino.. Suprise??!!! 6. Another thing bout the "wonderfulness" of Casino, it's 24/7!!! (so it's just like an alternative for mamak, with a nicer setting of coz) 7. Start with normal Roulettes for building up your modals, then switch to baccarat (is that how u spell it?), then back to rapid roulettes... with these sequence you might be able to stay there for quite sometime... slow slow.. and steady 8. I hate the zone system for the public transports' routines in Melbourne.. It's so friggin expensive, and ridiculous in some sense.. 3.10aud for 2 hrs ride in only 1 zone? geez 9. Staffs in both Monash and Melbourne U arent that friendly afterall.. they should learn from people from Adelaide.. Smile a little.. customer service man!! 10. Yo, finally... At least they hav starbucks and nandos in Melbourne.. if you happen to know any of the shops i mentioned in adelaide.. please do tell me 11. Max Brener (a chocolate specialty shop, supposedly Melbourne's specialty) issit really that famous?? I hav to admit that the stuffs there are quite decent and pretty "choc-a-lot"... but.. why? why? when talking bout yamcha everybody also bring me there??????? i've been there.. 3 times man.. that's too much imo 12. Berwick or Berricks.. (er.. dunno ler) is really far away from the city.. and else where) 13. They should change the name of "the twelve Apostles" (some stones hanging halfway along the coast line.. pretty impressive i would say) to "the remaining 8 apostles" or something like that..(and guess what? 2-3 days after i reached melbourne.. one of that fell down.. hehe.. damn jinxed) 14. Don't travel to grampian unless you are planning to spend a few days there.. or at least a will to trek around the jungles and all 15. Melbourne's kangaroos and wallabies are all around the rural area.. and they arent as friendly as Adelaide's... 16. Mt Buller arent as snowy around this period.. should go around august... and snowboarding is really fun.. more fun than Skiing i think.. 17. Please don't try to snowboard on the blue or black track unless u r 200% confident of your skill.. or u really plan to eat some snow 18. When snowboarding or skiing, please off your phone, and even if you forgot to do so, when it rings, dont try to pick it up!! dont ever please.. Mz.. becoz of u i fell for no good reason (and i want my photo if u see this) 19. Melbourne's penguins.. are so friggin tiny.. like pygmy only... dissapointed.. but kinda cute 20. Everything is as pretty and as square as it may seem when you are checking it on top 21. If adelaide's asian to local's ratio are 1:100, melbourne's ratio on that will be only bout 1:15-20 22. Go Karting in Sunshine (Acekart) is ok technically but bull in management wise.. waddaya mean by pulling you off if we drift while encouraging us to beat the record at the same time??? 23. The principle of slow & steady arent practical at all in terms of go karting 24. When playing laser gun shooting with unlimited ammo.. make full use of it.. just shoot only "Kua teok or nyah ter kui cheng" (shoot whenever you see shadow moving) 25. Don't ever trust an italian barber who doesnt even understand English totally.. (@#^@&!, yea i did cut my hair abit.. will update more photos on that.. later) 26. Never eat chicken teriyaki in Gigi's corner or something like that along swanston street 27. Shopping with girls in Melbourne is exactly the same as shopping with em elsewhere... this is something universal.. go slow... be patience, pretend that you are doing a walk in the park... waiting for the sun to set and you will live like a happy man.. 28. Be decisive! And sound out your oppinion.. (which i dont sometimes..) that makes the whole thing sux...!! sometimes 29. Dont ever.. sit on the first or second roll in a double decker bus that's goin on a 11 hrs' journey.. please dont... If that's the only choice.. R.I.P man.. mate.. Alrighty.. that's the top 29 "insights" i've learned from spending 20 days in Melbourne... hehe Here's some photos on my trip.. will write more bout it in details in the future ![]() the twelve.. i meant.. eight apostles... ![]() you called this art?? my 6 yrs old lil cousin also know how to do ler.. ![]() went to the seal's stone.. wanted to check out some seals.. instead i found this guy ![]() I love this signboard alot.. !! ![]() photo taken in Sovereign Hill, Ballarat, the goldmine ![]() Interesting decoration for a car... hmm... must be a male car.. for sure ![]() Just nice for a rabbit fillet... funny guy i met along the roadtrip ![]() Was so tempted to get the hat.. so nice... but nah.. being a cowboy aint my dream Yeap.. so guess.. that's bout it.. it's still kinda brief if i stop here for my 20 days trip.. so dont worry.. will write more in details soon.. trust me.. soon leaving skool f-r3d at 8:47 PM 4 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} |
![]() Host: F-r3d Occupation: Master in Everything Future occupation: Conflict evoker?