Hidden imperfection
Sunday, August 28, 2005 Today i am rather free... as i decided not to stress myself that much with assignments or going out to seek for additional amusements.. therefore i stayed at home the entire day doing some miscellaneous stuffs like playing with my cam, arranging pics and so on. For instance, pics like these ![]() p.s-i did not add the flare on this one via photoshop.. it's skill! ![]() some unknown flowers in Grampien National Park-Melbourne ![]() Nice chimney shot in Sovereign Hill, Ballarat, Melbourne. ![]() A decent shot that captured a fair bit of the beach and the cloudy sky (Brighton beach, Adelaide) Too bad, due to the limited framesize of this template i couldnt enlarge it further... As, most of the pics are 2200x1800+ in resolution orginally. All these pics seems so wonderful and "perfect", in a sense that nothing unnatural or extra negates the beauty of the scenery shots. I thought so too. Until today, when i edited the last pic here, i found something... "additional" in the pic.. which.. is totally unexpected.. Have a look at this.. ![]() then this.. ![]() Hmm... i wonder whether the guy in "blue" is related to those in red circles... Basically.. i don't really mind.. these kinda.. minor distractive factors in my scenery shots.. however, it's funny to discover something like this.. especially the one on the far left.. what a typical heroic pose for a cameraman.. lol..!! And, what's with the guy i circled in blue.. looks kinda suspicious to me, dontja think? leaving skool f-r3d at 10:35 PM 2 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} Individual's Music preferences Wednesday, August 24, 2005 I am a devoted believer of, "no one in this world share the exact preferences in the music they listen to". Though, in many cases, it might be similar, but the feelings, meanings, understandings, and energies one received from the music should be unique to him/herself.. Music is such a subjective mean as to human's entertainment input... Its variation is as sophisticated as how a human being would be, from a gentle soft touch of ballard, to reckless core of heavy metal, from sacred chants and worships of church songs to uther darkness of Death metal, from simplistic raw percussions to highway personality of jazz.. Just like human and human's life, music is endless and unlimited. Without a doubt, music could be argued as part of human's creation, but by looking at how it has been evolved since ancient time, from simple wood hitting, coconuts banging, metal striking, bamboo blowing, to the implementation of modern instruments, and how people dedicated their lives to the occurrence of "their" types of music (regardless to intention of making it), you sometimes wonder, whether the people choose their own kind of music, or the music is waiting for the chosen ones to discover and perform them. Getting rather philosophical aight? Anyway, to cut the crap short, music is unique and never identical to human in their own experiences. A general catogerization of music is needed.. just to ease the process for us to refer to music range, however, one shall not specifically judge a certain kind of music as a "type" Like human, you shouldnt be stereotypical towards music, as, even rock bands produces strong and good ballads, even church bands produces heavy metal-like church songs.. Music is as volatile and versatile as an amoeba.. one shall not lay their judgment into it, until you fully experience it both as the audience and the performer Enough babbling on my random thoughts on music, it's time to reveal what kind of music i "truly" listen to since the day i arrived this world, and also i would like to pay some respects to music creators that produce wonderful songs and lyrics after my birth. So, here's the listing of notable rock albums regardless of the specific genres to my preference(as categorized by timeframe, without any particular order in preferrence, like i said, i cant possibly rank them, that's no valid measurement for that) yr1985(my birth yr)-yr1989 1. Metallica - 'Master Of Puppets' (1986) 2. RUN DMC - 'King Of Rock' (1986) 3. Guns N'Roses - 'Appetite For Destruction' (1987) 4. REM - 'Life's Rich Pagent' (1986), 'document' (1987), 'green' (1988) 5. Iron Maiden - 'Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son' (1988)* 6. Faith No More - 'The Real Thing' (1989)# 7. Nine Inch Nails - 'Pretty Hate Machine' (1989) 8. Beastie Boys - 'Paul's Boutique' (1989) p.s-they kicked the negro's asses 9. Soundgarden - 'Louder Than Love' (1989)* 10.Nirvana - 'Bleach' (1989)p.s-beginning of the new age yr 1990- yr 1999 1. Public Enemy - 'Fear Of A Black Planet' (1990) 2. Red Hot Chili Peppers - 'Blood Sugar Sex Magik' (1991)* p.s-personal breakthrough 3. Guns N'Roses - 'Use Your Illusion II' (1991) 4. Nirvana - 'Nevermind' (1991)* , 'in utero' (1993) 5. My Bloody Valentine - Loveless' (1991) p.s-just find out bout them recently, rox! 6. Pearl Jam - 'Ten' (1991)* , 'Vs' (1993) 7. Faith No More - 'Angel Dust' (1992)# p.s-might not be famous,but nice music 8. Alice In Chains - 'Dirt' (1992) 9. Smashing Pumpkins - 'Siamese Dream' (1993),'Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness' (1995) 10. Soundgarden - 'Superunknown' (1994)* 11. Nine Inch Nails - 'The Downward Spiral' (1994), 'The Fragile' (1999) 12. Marilyn Manson - 'Antichrist Superstar' (1996)*, Marilyn Manson - 'Mechanical Animals' (1998) p.s-might be bit wicked, but awesome music without a doubt 13. Radiohead - 'OK Computer' (1997)* 14. Tool - 'Aenima' (1996) p.s- maynard rox 15. Deftones - 'Around The Fur' (1997) 16. Foo Fighters - 'The Colour An The Shape' (1997)* ROX! 17. Rage Against The Machine - 'Rage Against The Machine' 18. Red Hot Chilli Peppers - 'Californication' (1999)** 19. Dream Theater - 'Images And Words' (1992), 'Awake' (1994), 'Falling into infinity' (1997)* 20. Dream Theater - 'Scenes from a Memory' (1999) yr 2000-? 1. Radiohead - 'Kid A' (2000)* p.s- one of the best albums ever made 2. Queens Of The Stone Age 'Rated R' (2000), 'songs for the deaf' (2003) 3. U2 - 'And All That Can Be Left Behind' (2000) p.s-the only U2 album that i listen to 4. Coldplay - 'Parachutes' (2000)*, 'A Rush Of Blood To The Head' (2002) p.s-revolution of the brits' wits 5. Tool - 'Lateralus' (2001)* p.s- just go n get it! 6. System Of A Down - 'Toxicity' (2001) p.s-competition from the arabic americans 7. Jimmy Eat World - 'Jimmy Eat World' (2001) 8. Marilyn Manson 'Holywood - In The Shadow Of The Valley Of Death' (2000) 9. The Strokes - 'Is This It' (2001) 10. Flaming Lips - 'Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots' (2002)# p.s-worth a try 11. The Darkness - 'Permission To Land' (2003) p.s-bit gay, but the talent is there 12. Gorrilaz - '?' (?) p.s- lazy to search for it 13. Audioslave - 'like a stone' p.s- chris cornell rox 14. Red Hot Chili Peppers - 'By The Way' (2002)* 15. Super furry Animal - 'Rings Around The World' (2001)# 16. The White Stripes - 'Elephant' (2003) 17. A Perfect Circle - 'Mer de Noms' (2000)* , 'Thirteenth Steps' 18. Dream Theater - 'Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence' (2002), 'Train of Thoughts' (2003) * = personal favourites #= items that might not be famous, but truly good stuffs leaving skool f-r3d at 8:08 PM 4 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} Unusual Ranting Sunday, August 21, 2005 Damn. Yes. I am annoyed. ..... Frankly speaking, since the beginning of the new semester (4 weeks ago), the amount of efforts i put in for academic purposes is considered as pitiful. So, this morning, i decited to wake up rather early as compared to usual, i sat in front of my lappie and worked for 4 hours at least, 2 hours on reading and analyzing journals that i've got for my research, half an hour to plan and schedule future assignments, and the rest of the 1 1/2 hours on writing an essay for my biological psychology. To begin with, I AM not a biology freak, and i do NOT like this kinda stuffs, so to write a 1500 words essay on "Do Homosapiens have large brains? Why? if so, are they so large?" is really something that i've squeezed all my eternal energy, souls and efforts to force myself in sharp concentration for that essay. Why do we have large brains? lol... I am in the Psychology field, and inspired to be a psychologist, not a neurosurgeon, biologist, or anthropology researcher!!! I am suppose to figure out why, how, and what will human behave like in any kind of situation, but not to chop off their brains and say, "yea, this one abit yellowish, must be unhealthy... hmm.. suppression" I cant deny that brain structures and the consequences that happened to it would change our behaviors, or even personalities in some sense... But.. the entire course design of Biological Psychology is just too.. Biological.. it's more like.. Intro to Human Biology than what it truly suppose to contain... Damnit, i m not trained to be a psychologist that would saw off your brain, reassemble the neurons and nerves as if i am like an electrical repairman... When i chopped off your brain.. i don't see something insightful like this!! ![]() What an unusual brain activities.. lol Okok, enough ranting bout the course itself.. it's not the main factor that affected my mood.. The thing is, when i decided to save my 1 and 1/2 hours of efforts, somebody in my MSN nudged me, repeatedly (i still dun get it.. how come that fella could nudge for so many times in a row), and due to the unstability of my lappie's virtual memory since i was operating more than 12 windows at the same time (including browsers, winamp, word documents, pdf journals, etc), the entire thing clashed. I didnt panic... becoz.. i know that even tho it clashes, the smart window recovery system would at least save up 75% of my work... I was too confident... It did not... for some strange reasons... instead it recovered a word's format's journal (which i accidentally made some changes in it) I was like.. #@&*&#... what the?! As I had experiences where more than 1 word documents clashes and it recovered all of them.. but not this time, i guess.. it's that time of the month for my window OS... BLOODDDYYYYYY HEELLLLLL!!!!
That means, i need rework on the "Big Brain" essay that gave me a real headache all over again.. Damn! In order to calm myself down, I remembered that i need to collect back my clothes that are hanging outside at the backyard for drying.. just went i am about to get up.. i realized that.. just a moment ago there was a heavy rain outside.. NOOOOOOOooooo!! That's my first laundry done in 2 weeks.. please don't do this to me... In the end, i decided to pull in all the half-wet clothes and hang it around in my room with hangers and all.. turned on the fan, opened up the window, and BLOW.. (i cant wear the same shirt for more than 4-5 days right?) Unlucky me... at that moment, i cant really ooze out anymore efforts for my biology essay.. so, i decided to put it aside for now, and work on my other assignments (the next due date for my assignments is in 2 week's time, so dun worry i m working in advance here) I am really pissed.. at myself, at the weather(non-stop raining), at my boring bio lecturers and the contents, at that somebody that nudges me (i need to find out who the heck was that), and at the australian lecturer's ambiguous style of giving out instruction for assignments (damn, whaddaya mean by "only psychology journals" when your research is mainly based on Philantrophy and Sociology journals?) Phew.. i am drained for now.. cant possibly withstand another blow today.. if something did hit me again.. I will be like a butterfly without wings, cant fly for awhile.. most probably i will fall sick in no time tried so hard, yet i just cant seem to get up on ground, straight away.. i need time man Anyway, i shall stop my ranting here, i shouldnt blame anybody, it might seem that it is.. but it's not so bad after all.. hmm.. one thing is that, i truly hope, pray, and beg that.. my "beloved" Windows Words wont clashed and "forgot" to recover my files again.. ![]() God.. i know life wont be smooth and silky, yet, you neednt ruined my plans all in one day Till then, be good.. my OS p.s1- yeap, i love to use animal's pics in order to express myself. It's more illustrative and impactful in a way to me... leaving skool f-r3d at 6:12 PM 2 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} Why do we care so much bout our hair? Monday, August 15, 2005 As accordance to the title yes, why do we human care so much bout our hair when if you look at it at a very biological perspective, it is just a layer of moist materials that served the purpose to prevent us from physical harm (i got this from bio text book... lol.. bullet proof meh?), coldness, and wetness. Hmm... if u are observant enough, you can tell that.. many of us spent so much effort, money, etc to take care, keep, change, and make our hair looks nice and decent (in most cases), sometimes.. we spent too much on it I agree that, hair itself isnt very important, but the hairstyle that is part of our physical image is really important to us. It determines partly, how other people look at us, perceive on us, etc. Though our hairstyle does shaped our physical images and has a little impact to our lifestyle and how we carry ourselves in public, in return, drastic changes of hairstyle could because of drastic changes in personality or cause drastic changes in personality... Imagine a "normal" (yea i perceived myself as one) guy like me ![]() the most recent me yes (dad n mom, if you want to know how i look like now.. this is it) Turns into... *points below someone like this.... the next morning ![]() Famous japanese DJ -Yoji Biomehanika, i wonder ppl go to his show is for his music or to look at his hair http://www.yojimehanika.com Or something like this... ![]() ignore the soccerball or the face.. i meant.. just focused on the hairstyle.. (do we human needs attached feelers or antenna?) If I actually have hairstyles like this.. omg.. i bet my parents is going to detach me and exile me.. or worst hire some hitmen to look for me.. or maybe.. they would force me to attend some psychiatry session or counseling.. Anyway, hairstyles and care for our hair is indeed important, and sometimes our lifestyle might affect our hairsyles as well.. like when you're stressed, your hair looks stressful.. when you're happy.. it looks cheerful.. etc ![]() stressed out and depressed doggy with stressed out and depressive hairstyle... lol.. so cute Anyhow, i still think spending too much money, effort on just your hair isnt the only way to shape up the unique "image" of yourself.. however, it's still your choice to choose to cut, chop, squeeze, screw, braid, lock, perm, dye, trim, shampoo, wash, keep, change, etc, in other words do anything to your hair, it's your hair anyway.. but do keep responsibility to it, for the consequences of carrying out the hairstyle you chose.. Alrighty then.. enough of those serious talks.. it's bout time for me to review back my own hairstyle that i had, i have and i wish to have in the future... Honestly.. i am not really that kind of person who would stick to just one-two hairstyle for my entire life.. i am more adventurous in terms of changing my hairstyle and all (tho i dun really like to add color on it.. i never did.. permenantly, no).. i've tried quite a wide variety of hairstyles before.. from no hair (it;s still a kind of style.. getting rid of it, doesnt mean u never had it) to bushy untidy hair.. etc First up, i skinned my entire head before, in other words, baldily shaved lol.. Some people says that i looked like some mafia small fry.. some says i looked like a pimp.. some says monk... lol.. ![]() i admit that.. WE do look like some mafia small fries in this pic.. lol (photo thanks to Kevin Teo, the small fry beside me) ![]() When you went to a prom with a gorgeous promdate, surely people will called you a pimp, i knew it.. *they jealous mar.. kidding lol From completely hairless to some intimidating hairstyle.. class A criminal look... butcher fred, bounty value 500,000 USD dont mess with me a.k.a digging my own grave look... Then to.. bushy untidy long hair.. some says I looks like "rambo" without the muscle and height i dont understand how the heck they linked this hippy look of mine to "rambo"..?! I am free to experiement any extreme hairstyle in the future.. in fact.. i already have 2-3 of those in my mine.. as my next future hairstyle.. tho i might need another 1-2 yrs to let my hair grow first in order to achieve those. Having an unique hairstyle for awhile is part of my tiny childhood dreams.. yea.. i m weird i know... Anyway.. there are 3 possible outcomes that i might choose for my hair.. in the future 1-2 yrs Possible outcome #1 thick twisting braids Inspired by Brian "Head" Welch who gave up rock recently Level of Difficulty (as in to maintain it, and the degree where you face the social discrimination with it) = A- Level of Uniqueness = B+ to A-
Inspired by the entire reggae movement and their carefree attitude Level of Difficulty= B+ to A- (it aint easy for any asians to carry this out.. dunno whether it could work on me or not) Level of Uniqueness= A- to A (since no many asians dare to try this.. yea) Possible Outcome #3 - Knotty Dreadlocks Inspired by.. i also dunno.. Level of Diffulty= A (it aint easy to maintain a dread.. as i once heard that the proper way to wash it is to wash it as if you are "trying" to wash a sponge, squirt lil bit of shampoo on it, soaked it with water, squeeze the water out, and repeat the procedure like x 50 times.. ) Level of uniqueness = B+ to A- Alright.. i guess that;s bout it.. this is actually my second attempt on this.. as after spending bout 50mins-1 hr on writing the first post.. my window clashed.. n everything just gone with the wind.. anyhow i decided to rewrite part of it.. i guess only 50-60% of the original contents.. anyway.. i m getting tired now.. so wish me luck for getting into the direction of fulfilling my childhood dreams P.S1) any fans of Yoji Biomehanika, forgive me for making fun of him.. i dun make fun of his music.. he's really good.. i just make fun of his hair.. i think that he put.. slightly bit too much effort on that P.S2) any fans of nigerian football or taribo west.. sorry again.. i really really do not think that we need attached feelers or some sorta thing like that P.S3) I am not a mafia small fry (if i really wanna be one.. i will be the boss not the small ones), a pimp (sorry i wont pimp out my ex-prom date.. :P), a criminal (unless u considered skipping lecture once in awhile and chained littering as a crime), a rambo wannabe, a grave digger, and so on. P.S4) to mom n dad, i m seriously serious bout getting those hairstyles.. it might be permenant however just for awhile.. it wont be forever, and if it turned out ugly, or unpleasing, i will turned it back as soon, i promise, ok? P.S5) I really think that.. spending more than rm150 per month for haircare is abit too much.. dun you think so ******.. lol.. uno who you are.. hehe :P Till then, take hair.. i mean.. care.. leaving skool f-r3d at 11:28 PM 4 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} . Saturday, August 13, 2005 The initial title for this post is suppose to be "Short forms", as in.. short forms or abbreviation of something, you know like "brb" = be right back, ty = thank you, np = no problem. Yeah, since everything could be simplified, therefore, i "shortformed" my title. First up, the main purpose of posting this entry is to raise the concern of.. do we really need all those while chatting or typing in electronic forms? For some cases, it might be useful.. but sometimes it could be troublesome, as there are so many self-proclaimed abbreviation and misinterpretation of meanings.. so it could be confusing in some cases... Case#1 Fred: yo, do u hav a mom (moment)? I need a favour from you Victim1: huh? you need a favour from my mom? Case#2 Blurguy1: Did you receive that? could you plz sms the msg to me, so i could msg her back, pls? (notice the confusion? the sudden changes of sms n msg) Case#3 Blurguy2: No cash atm(at the moment), cant do much Victim2: huh? atm(auto-teller machine) no money? ... .. . Case#3478 Blurguy379: I saw that guy came out of the garage with a taekwando uniform, and i was like WTF?! (what the F***) Victim351: Oh, i prefer GTF (Global taekwando Federation) than WTF (World Taekwando Federation) Ok.. enough of those craps.. Basically i have just a few simple points to make, when in use of abbreaviation or shor forms in typings, electronic forms, please be sure than the receiver could get it and please don't over use it.. Though it's also part of our responsibility as a modern civilized individual in a high tech environment to at least have the basic knowledge in all these. However, over usage of it would only cause confusions and irritation in some cases. For example: Irritation case #1 (i hate this the most) - over usage of LoL (laugh out loud) Fred: just like what i told u right? Sucker1: lol.. that's funny.. lol Fred: yea.. haha Sucker1:lolololololololololololol Fred:.... Sucker1:lol! Sucker1:lol, I would really like to see taht again lol Sucker1:you there? lol Sucker1:lol ... .. . Sucker1:still there? gtg now man.. lol Oh man, i understood that the term "lol" is rather easy to put up to since "O" is located right below "L", yet.. you must at least understand the exact meaning of it, and do not freaking overuse it.. Yeah, knowing what you are typing is one serious matter.. you wanna use abbreaviation? Fine.. but at least know what it means. I've heard from a friend that, her little cousin sis actually typed this in a conversation, Cousin1: haha, i am loling .... lol... loling... what the heck?! And one more thing.. chained abbreaviation is as bad as overusing it (as in frequency) One example (which is actually a ritual in the leveling process in World of Warcraft.. in my guild :P, once or twice is alright... though) Chained abbreviation case#1 Guy1: Yay! ROFLOLICOPTERPWNXWTFKTHXBYE!!! Firstimer1: what what what??! Anyway, without a doubt.. it could be useful and it will be as long as you dun do it 2 frquently, dun b 2 lz, liddat won b gud, lol,coz if evry1 iz goin 2 tok like tiz, d wrld iz goin to b 2 fast.. slw dwn bit ler.. k, tym's up, log, bye c ya nxt! leaving skool f-r3d at 12:52 AM 4 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} Best out of your kind Tuesday, August 09, 2005 A rather seriously sounding title.. but trust me, it's not! M writting this based on the inspiration i generated thru readin my sis's entry on what her pet teaches her about life. http://spaces.msn.com/members/juei/Blog/cns!1pWNPbKQDAV8ETMDll9Yf6wQ!306.entry Initially... as a human being, we are granted with the precision of perception to make uther judgment or at least a better sense of observesation in many things. We are what we are, is a statement that keep many people at the same standing point for many years. Looking at my pets, (2 dogs - a genius and a clumps, and a cat - the queen back home) i managed to derive some meanings out of it. As an introduction, my first dog - Digi ![]() Age: 6-7 (?) Gender: Male Temperament: has large scale mood swings as if he's a grumpy old man Psyche description: Intellectual, deep thinker, and great philosepher that traps inside a furry small container Hobbies: Dissapearing in the house, attempting to escape from the house, commanding the maid, holding the royalty pride, meditation (as if) My second dog- Blackie (BBoy) ![]() Age: 3 yrs old Gender: Male Temperament: Something like Patrick in SpongeBob Squarepants, or rather.. to him, "what's that?" Psyche Description: none. I am a dog, and i am a dog, i am happy with that.. so i am happy! Hobbies: Eat, eat, eat, sleep, play with myself, eat, eat and EAT!! My only cat - Tika ![]() Age: 3 yrs old Gender: Female (woman she insisted) Temperament: I could compare her to any human female, cept for that fact that she might have the pms mood on everyday Psyche description: If you think you are beautiful, you are, and live up everything to that and be the MOST beautiful! Pets or rather, animals other than human are mostly genuine and pure in their intent. Even so, i managed to learn from them that, recognize your kind, your direction, and work on hard to it. Like Bboy, if you want attention and affection from your master or anyone else.. go for it, earn it! Like Tika, believe in yourself, once you managed to do that, you neednt to act elligant, you already are Like Digi, learn from him, don't think so much, there arent many things for you to worry about as a dog (or in our case as a human). Learn how to take it slow, keep a calm n steady lifestyle. Stay healthy my beloved pets, wait till my return! And Digi, i love you as always, even when you purposely turns your head away from me, when you know that i will love you more with that.. hehez ![]() leaving skool f-r3d at 5:20 PM 2 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} At the edge Sunday, August 07, 2005 Recently, i had quite abit of self-talks with my inner self that don't normally expose himself to the outer world and even to the conscious me. Most of the discussion we made, were basically unrelated to any issues that gotta do with me in my recent life.. but yet, something that might be useful and practical or insightful in a way (in other words, non-sensical sense.. lol) One of it, the question i asked myself was, "Have i ever been placed in a real-life situation where, i've been placed at the edge of a cliff, and the only option to avoid being eat up by the enemies that surrounded me is to jump" Have i ever?? hmmm.. in a situation that.. putting my life on the line and just.. close your eyes and go for it.. hmm.. ![]() Put yourself in the shoe of that hamster (hmm as if they need shoes) I thought about it for at least.. 20-30 minutes.. and the answer i gave to myself is.. No.. not exactly Except for the 874 times, when i was sitting in the middle of the exam hall.. staring at the multiple choice questions.. head went blank and felt as if i've been shot multiple times by my lecturer.. other than that.. not really my life isnt that dramatic and adventurous after all So, ask yourself... leaving skool f-r3d at 12:57 AM 2 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} Real life comparison Friday, August 05, 2005 After getting a few feedbacks for my previous post bout everything that you should read bout it in order to get the grip of it (please don't be lazy if you havent do so.. :P), i decided to illustrate it more based on the feedbacks i got from my sis (juei), mz and Kar Swee (my dad, seriously...) I got the meaning of "we love to see people acting stupid", because it is somewhat entertaining.. However, what i am really curious about is the "somewhat" that make it entertaining, i dont really bother or care about whether it is "idiotic" or plain "innocence" in the nature of such act.. But the dynamics behind it that structured the phenomenon/na. Innocence or Idiotic is just one thin line across, and i understand the fact that, act stupid doesn't mean you are stupid, some wise guys do act stupid in order to get what they want by drawing other people to think that he is stupid. Of course I am aware of all those, that's why i am asking all those during my previous post in such a pretentive manner (try to figure out what i am trying to get at, even if you cant nevermind, it's just part of my ego) , nonetheless, what i was aiming to adress on this issue was are we really that sadistic, it might be sublimantle, however the hidden psyche that lurking beneath us might suggest that as a displacement to our inadequency and urge to seek for comfort by feeling that, "we arent that bad after all" or in other words, consolitdation for out disatisfaction in our own perception of "self". It may not be true, yet it may not be wrong... It's just like when you ask somebody to be him/herself, so that him./her could stop "pretending" or "changing" in order to get the very best of what the person truly possessed as an individual (which is a vecry typical and classic wsay of advising somebody when you do not know how to handle his/her direction of living his/her life). Come on, ask yourself how vague and vivid is that phrase "be yourself" sounds to you? If oneself truly know the meaning of "be yourself" or in other words "self actualized" in a psychological sense, he/she dont even need your advice, in facthe/she could easily become a successful politician, thinker, religious leader, or fields in any dimension. You might say that this world aint just black and white, there's a whole patch of gray which we havent discovered, what if you already did, and find that even those shades of grays couldnt fulfill the complicatedness of this world, and what truly lurked beyond for us to discover? Sorry for it to sound abit philosophical, but what if one that, u discovered that the true form or the optimal form of yourself is to somewhat keep in pace with changes (aggresively) and constantly for, like an amoeba's destiny to mimic and perfectionalize until it reaches the peak condition to evolvek, would you accept a comment or advice from someone else that suggest you to "be yourself"? What if the true me is to not be me in a stable manner? that's not just a gray matter, it's beyond our current knowledge, what do we call all those? Ok, it might gone abit too far and jargonish to some of you, so, let's just pull back to the idiotic vs innocence context, let's use the example of famous comedian Ben Steeler vs Adam Sandler, Ben Steeler being the representation of someone funnily stupid and Adam Sandler as the individual who constantly potrays as innocently funny in most of his chracters in shows (eg. Happy Gilmore, Waterboy, etc). We look at both of their performance and we both laugh becoz of their act, but not becoz of what they truly are, becoz they are permitted by us indirectly to portray those. So, just ask yourself do you realize of all these, when you are watching the show? Do you call this the gray area point of view while looking at this? I guess not. So, sorry bout being sophisticated and blabbing on stuffs that might only be comprehanded by my ownself and yea, i am saying that gray area of the matter isnt that gray anymore. Even the greatest scientist could only predict what;s beneath the core of our earth but not an exact picture of the true possibility. Before the day i pass on my life, i shall work on this. P.S- this is not the result of reading thru Freudian based chapter on psychoanalysis and all teh theory contents, maybe partly, but it is an inspiration that accumulated. Sue me for being so serious leaving skool f-r3d at 12:47 AM 0 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} |
![]() Host: F-r3d Occupation: Master in Everything Future occupation: Conflict evoker?