Just a lil bit more
Thursday, October 27, 2005 It's true that i m very much looking forward towards the moment where i walk up the stage and receive the scroll of degree from whoever in-charge that signified my success in completing a bachelor degree. I'm glad that i could achieve that in such a young age.. i m really lucky.. However, maybe because i often fantasized too much or get carried over with the thought that ahh my life in Adelaide is finally going to be over.. must relax abit.. slack off abit.. slumber abit.. hmm.. laid back attitudes like that arent really bad most of the time, but definitely not advisable for me to carry on that now.. As i still 2 more assignments to deal with before my final black & white battle with all my lecturers on paper. Recently many things happened around me got me distracted from being too gung ho in my studies and that's not good.. So many people's birthdays are approaching or already over (like yesterday, just celebrated Sher's birthday with da gang and a day just spent like that.. i m not complaining tho.. it was fun after all) and also my own birthday *wink, oh yea, SL if you are reading this thanks for the pressie.. tho u mistakenly remembered my birthdate wrongly (anyway, i got to receive them earlier.. muahaha) and also alot of other stuffs.. mentally, emotionally, physically (i miss my weekly football session) and biochemically (suffered from caffein withdrawal symptom.. trying to quit those poison or cut down) And suprisingly, i did not play any games or attempted to play (except for Yahoo's Go and some crappy flash games) for more than 2 weeks already, not even my WoW, mostly becoz my credit for WoW just ran out and i m too lazy to recharge it or something.. and i think it would be a good negative reinforcement to push myself more to commit in this one last thrust for my first bachelor degree. Unlike many other unis, UniSA's schedules for exams are always later than expected.. we normally start our first exam when ppl in monash or melb Uni already finished all of theirs.. grr.. Courses Counselling & Psychotherapy 11/14 18:30 essay Introduction to Org Psychology 11/16 14:00 MCQ Biological & learning Psych 11/21 09:00 MCQ Research Method 2 11/22 14:00 Openbook Above i attached the lovely timetable of my exams.. luckily the management people are kind enough to seperate the two big guns far apart from each other.. As Counselling and Psychotherapy's exam is really a killer in terms of both mental and physical fatigue.. as you need to complete 6 bloody essay questions in 2 hrs.. tho Bryan Gerner (my lecturer) is kind enough to give us the questions before hand, but there are like 12-14 of them, and only 6 will come out.. please.. somebody do the math for me and tell me how many essays i need to prepare at the minimum cost? For Org Psych and Bio & Learning psych, the paper exams arent really a big deal at all as compared to the other 2 subjects, as it's only a 1 hr multiple choice question exam.. nonetheless i wont wanna screw that up either.. And lastly.. the biggest nightmare for a stats hater like me.. RM2!! It's a 3 hr open book exam on statistics, calculations and SPSS interpretations.. oh man.. judging from the fact that Cathy Balfour (my lecturer) finalized it as an open book test.. i could imagine the difficulty level and amount of stats and numeric figures i need to jumble up and make senses out of it.. Argh! what a pain..! But oh well.. unlike my previous naive thoughts on psychology, research methods and stats are very important in psychology.. hmm.. hmm.. sighz.. Oh well.. guess i should keep myself occupied more with my academic related works and not wasting too much time on pondering with thoughts that cant be answered anytime soon.. and man.. I really need some luck for my RM2 exam.. maybe i should get myself a goodluck charm or something.. as i dont really have or believe in these things most of the time.. like lucky underwear, lucky shirt, some weird ass aztec looking pendant, chinese's "Fu", etc.. *some bonus feature for this entry Things i've learnt recently: #1 how to cook green curry #2 perfected my bak kut teh skill #3 how to cook decent malaysian style satay #4 never trust pre-made satay sauce (especially Kan Tong's) #5 caffeine keeps you awake and lethargic at the same time, so reduce the dosage/intake #6 anxiety keeps you worried and disorientated, so don't frown, sleep. #7 dont take any caffeine induced substances, so that u can sleep well #8 Birds are evil (not talking bout you albert) #9 a present not neccesarily need to be tangible matters #10 if you know you are nocturnal, disorientate your abnormal sleeping pattern, so that you are normal back again. #11 loneliness is treassureable #12 despair, like sleeping pattern, can be solved #13 hope, like satay need to burn well before it taste nicer (not too burnt tho) #14 sense of achievement, like bak kut teh, shouldnt be too jelak, too arrogant = no good #15 Love, like green curry can be tricky to succeed #16 and lastly, every single thing happened in your life, holds a role to teach you something.
leaving skool f-r3d at 2:58 AM 7 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} Non-Practical Invention Part I : Vehicle Tuesday, October 25, 2005 Initially i wanted to post up pictures of the bak kut teh i made 3-4 days ago, along with the recipe, the process, and stories when we were eating it. But oh well, due to some technical issues, i couldnt get the photos from Sher Mayne yet (your fault! hehe), as i didnt have a camera with me at that moment you see, since we cook at her place.. so i guess while waiting for the photos to arrive, i shall post something else to prevent this site from being so dead and swingy. So, as the title inferred, it's about scientific inventions that are fancy by looks but useless in reality, in this entry, non-practical vehicles will be my top priority in reviewing. According to some dude in Mercedes Benz (in some documentary), he said, "designing a car is like designing a remote house, it must be convenient and perfect by looks, usage, mileage, safety, SPEED, in order to achieve its purpose". Except for his negligence of price (it's also very important to us consumer leh), i totally agree to the above statement. Unlike simple products like clothing, shoe, furniture, food, wife (oops!).... Vehicles has many criteria to meet in order to be optimal and marketable, though you might argue that it's style and design of the vehicle IS very important, but to me, what's more important is its capability to match will all the criteria as a whole. ![]() Legendary beauty... Burgati Veyron, it's like Angelina Jolie of Cars, Elizabeth Taylor of Vehicles, sexy! Veyron, yes, without a doubt, very sexy, and pretty fast as well i can guarantee.. but what if i tell you that a single bolt to screw the rim in could cost you more than 40usd? and the entire car worth more than 3 mil usd (this version)? hmm.. i guess the closest i can achieve is to get a miniature version of it.. Poorgati Veyron.. Price is a serious problem to many consumers, as majority of us arent sons and daughters of sultan, king, tycoon, or fortune teller. (eh they very rich one leh) So, something like veyron is definitely out of our reach in normal consequences (u can try to rob it). Therefore deprivation in possessing stylish and COOL stuff provokes a minority among us to make up with what they could do, and produce utter crappy modification or vivid replication of supercars like this... ![]() lol.. like piloting lala spaceship like that... if by doing all these make you comfortable... add a few more neons leh ![]() eh mister, your eye sight very bad ah? paddle also need to neon By modifying cars in an utter odd manner might somehow boost these people's inferiority complex and make them feels a lil bit superior when they ride it on the road along a beemer, and they can say, "eh, ur car so expensive ah, but paddle got neon or not? meter can shine or not? Speaker can crack or not? cannot leh! hahahaha" *insert annoying ahbeng's laughter Anyway, back to the post, damn, i got too carried away by the whole ah beng revolution thing.. damnit.. everything must be colorful, unmatched, and "pukable". So, like i said, a perfect car isnt easy to create, yet even harder to own one.. It's ok to have a dream car, even if you know the chances for you to own one is as slim as Michael Jackson being not guilty (hmmm...) Anyhow, because of those scientist, mechanics, and car engineers that dreams, we have variation of cars, and because of their constant efforts, many evolution has been introduced (see, evo also got generation 8, proton pun got gen 2) Though sometimes, i would say they seriously tried too hard.. ![]() this "thing" by peugeot here is just.. plain weird According to the Peugeot technicians, this concept vehicle aims to eliminate many incapabilities of motorbike, scooter and so on.. It possessed smart turning manuveur (serious?), wonderful mileage management, and comfortable movement (what? by riding in a superman position?).. Hmmm.... i really wonder.. ![]() another weird ass err.. "car" by peugeot So, with a doorless "car" that looks like a fish tank like this.. what are you trying to achieve here ah? Though it claims to be categorized as part of smart car.. hmm well to me the design isnt very smart.. ![]() the new evolution of the biker gang!!! lol if i see them on the road with that, i run for sure The roundish vehicle from the top part of the pic, looks kinda familiar.. like some weird ass spaceship/vehicle in some sci-fi movies, and i am impressed that someone actually willing to cough out a sum of money to invent stuffs like that.. It claims again to be a safer version of biking (of coz.. i dun think it can move very fast, tho it looks really cool) For the second vehicle on the bottom part of the pic, i actually kinda like it, it's suppose to be some german-jap cross company project or something like that.. not too sure.. but the design is pretty cool and sleek.. advanced monowheel huh.. i like it.. tho it looks bit fragile..and dangerous.. ![]() lazy to research on this, anyway cool car in first sight huh? Not too sure what model this is, but one thing for sure these guys who designed it never been to any tropical country or never planned to sell it there.. Imagine, driving this car in Malaysia during one fine sunny day.. *sweat.... If you managed to get only a heatstroke, you are considered lucky... Vehicles are important to us, mainly because of its function to transport us to the destination we wanna go, its ability to be there faster or slower, its safety capability, but not so much bout the looks, speaker system, NEON, and of coz the mileage. It's true that to many guys cars are like wives, as it represent your status, style, taste and maybe achievement. Therefore, i could understand the feelings of why people wanna decorate their cars, add a lil bit of stickers here, a lil bit of spoiler there, changing the rims, convert to buckle seats, adding NEON (hey!), etc.., as in a modern world cars are like part of us, especially if you are living in a country with lousy public transportation services like.. M*******. But please, don't love your car too much, till you need to add tails for them, installing blue color light bulbs below their tummy, renovating their behind (boot) by moving in audio system.. please.. you are abusing them.. Maybe we should start some anti-car abuse organization or something like that (ACAO.. lol) Furthermore, car scientists and engineers.. please please please.. invent according to our needs, try harder to figure out how to reduce vehicles' petrol consumption, try to produce cars with optimal function yet cheaper in price, but not spaceship looking car that only sons of some sultan or kings could purchase. Learn from the japs or Koreans, design some contemporary stuffs.. no need to be so funky and no need to brush every records with every production.. what's more important is consumer's benifits.. :P teaching you how to do business here.. hehe Be practical bit la.. leaving skool f-r3d at 8:59 PM 1 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} Cravings... Friday, October 21, 2005 Oh man.. i m not trying to say that my cooking sucks, or the food here (adelaide) sucks, or whatever.. but Man.. i freaking miss malaysian foods.. and also i m getting bored of my own cooking.. ![]() a good old small packet of nasi lemak like this would be satisfying enough if i could get it here.. I tried cooking it myself, it wasnt bad, just that i forgot to off the rice cooker, and it continue boiling the rest of my rice and therefore resulted in more of a "nasi lemak bakar" then a normal nasi lemak, nasi lemak.. (i finally know how to cook a decent dish of sambal anchovies, dun believe ask sher mayne and justin) Anyhow, it's bit troublesome to cook it every now and then, coz it's a bit difficult and expensive to get certain ingredients here.. namely pandan leaves, and bloody ikan bilis. I want Malaysian food.. !!! There are at least 50 types of malaysian food i wanna eat and enjoy.. it will be troublesome for me to list all of it down here.. but trust me, i m seriously gonna eat all of it when i get back.. Alright, since i m taking a break now.. i shall name a few.. 20 types of malaysian food that i am currently craving for (a few?) *in no particular order 1. Nasi Lemak... (there are a few stores, namely Steven's corner's, KPD Maxis's nasi kangkang, KPD road side uncle, and Kepong Market's) 2. SatayyyyYY, yes i know i could get some decent satays here as well.. but all those are nothing when compared to Kajang's... *slurp ![]() the bigger the fire, the burner the satay turns out, the better it tastes (not too burnt tho) 3. Kun Kei's Claypot Chicken Rice (somewhere around Atria in DJ) 4. Pork Chop Rice in Kun Kei as well.. my gosh.. the portion is really huge for rm5 5. William's Pastas.. all types.. freaking kick ass man.. Australian Italian you need to learn to be more generous with ur ingredients and pricing.. overcome those problems first before u claimed ur pasta to be the best in the world 6. Authentic Malaysian-only RAMLI burger!!! it rox when u make them slice thru the patty and taruh all the seasonings in between.. (i know damn unhealthy.. but who cares?) ![]() decent skill of egg spreading is a must for all ramli burger seller, and this guy failed 7. Jalan 222's "kwong fu chao".. with rm2.50 more of "chu yao cha" = demonic contract to ultimate oral input satisfaction (too bad they dont have a website) 8. Otak-otak.. nyonya style.. not the bakar type 9. Ipoh Kai Fun (Chicken Rice) with alot of bean sprouts and pork balls (as in.. something like fish balls.. not talking bout testicles here), 1 notable store in klang valley, the ipoh kai fun shop in Jalan Gasing (in front of CHS, wonderful memory). damn.. the chicken breast is like smiling wide at me and says, "come.. eat me.. eat me.." 10. Sambal Kangkung.. damn adelaide.. i can never find kangkung here.. 11. Malaysian style thick-soya-sauce-flooded-wantan mee, it might not be as authentic and as original as the hongkong ones i ate over here.. and the wantan is seriously.. just the skin.. unlike hongkong one with nice portion of fillings.. but oh well.. it tastes great after all 12. Ikan BAKAR..!!! Sting ray ROX.. squid isnt bad as well.. (wait that's not ikan) and that's ikan tongkol by the way *point below
13. Ying Yong in the coffeeshop in Paramount.. kick ass man 14. SS2 Murni's Claypot lou shu fun 15. again Steven's corner's Cheese naan.. 16. PENANG CHAR KOAY TEOW, with extra hot chilli, eggs and more chilli!! 17. Ipoh Hor Fun.. yeah i do enjoy koay teow in soup as well.. 18. CHAR SIEW and SIEW YUK they called it BBQ pork and roasted pork here in Australia.. well.. it's not as nice after all!!! ![]() lol.. i want it all... yum yum 19. Bak kut teh!! not neccesarily Klang's one, Kepong got some nice one also.. even section 14/15 in Subang.. oh yea.. we are gonna cook it this saturday and i m the cook.. muahaha 20. and lastly... the nearly forgotten kunyit rice ![]() again.. with a nice portion of chicken curry, the dish itself is trying to seduce me Hmm.. that's it for now.. tho in my mind there are still at least 20-30 types that i would like to list it down.. but oh well.. getting lazy here.. and really HUNGRY.. now i know it's almost impossible for a good food review journalist to keep a decent weight image of themselves unless you are forbidden to eat the food but just to look at the picture.. then again.. that's tempting and saliva inducing enuff.. damnit.. i guess i have to start controlling my weight and loosing some fat components from now.. since i already made an oath to completely devote myself to the malaysian food and beverage industry (in terms of consuming) after i get back for holidays.. I should loose some before i consume more 'delicious poisons' (in the eyes of nutritionist and health-OVERconscious individuals) Before it's too late.. and end up like this *point below ![]() i dun want to become monster like this wey.. Becoming a Sumo wrestler was never a dream for me.. so, hell no! By the way, i am organizing a food trip tour around malaysia, specifically from starting from KL to Ipoh then to Penang and all the way up to Alor Setar, so far confirmed members are myself-the tourleader :D, Keith-anything but accomodation manager (please.. i dun wanna end up in some apartment with transparent toilet door), Joel- a she and he backup driver, and a stand in MPPJ (if we somehow couldnt finish our food, "she" will be the man!!) and Jason (fine, dun wanna call u gayson d.. later u really become one and attempting to convert us) - the multipurpose bitch/victim/punchingbag(unless jarrod joins)/scapegoat/blacksheep, he might sounds a little useless, but with a tag name that long, it will be a bit of a pity to not bring him along.. anyway, if we ran out of money, we can pawn him for money; if we ran into troubles, he can be out bulletproof vest; if we got chase but dogs, wait.. the dogs will only attack him anyway, same goes for mosquitos and all kind of insects.. like i said before he's multipurpose Anyway, anyone else wanna join? if got more than 5 ppl, we can try to bring in 1 or more cars Contact me or any of the members for further details.. anyone is welcome! leaving skool f-r3d at 12:03 AM 2 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} 15 to 20 Monday, October 17, 2005 After handling in my report for Organizational Psychology on friday, I was in a mood of floating around without my soul in ma body.. just waiting for the time to spend away while my body slowly recover back its potential to function.. Thus, i did completely nothing constructive for the past 2 days, cept for a completion of 2 poems, a slight progress on my on-going fiction, and a succeeded in cooking steam rice with green curry.. too bad i was too excited over my success and ate it before i realized that i should take down a picture or two.. damnit Back to the entry, the title is rather vague and vivid.. huh.. uno like those cliche movie title "13th going on 30" "50days" "8days" those kinda thing.. hmm.. it's nothing much actually.. it's just a brief reminder for me, myself, and those who care, that.. in 15 days time i am going to turn 20!! *wink *hint hint Since ancient time, no matter eastern or western culture, nomads or settlers, warrior tribe or farmer colony, in most culture it seems that the day of your birth in each year is something that worthwhile to celebrate for.. hmm.. i really wonder why.. why is it that this sense of happiness or needs to celebrate is applied universally (almost.. i cant think of any culture that forbid the celebration of birthday) To me, yes, it's something to be proud of since this is the day where the hero of the coming future was born, and it might be neccesary to held a celebration or occasion each year to remind everybody about that.. but at the sametime it's also an official reminder to everyone that.. yes i am getting older.. by 1 yr (officially), and it reminds that, that day was also the day when my mother had to suffer for hours in order to squeeze me out.. it reminds me of things and stuffs i received on that day of every year, it reminds me of everyone who helped me, loved me, hated me, and those who still kept on doing the same over and over again, even when i am no longer a small little kid who needs guidance on every single step i take.. however, i do appreciate it still.. very much.. yeah.. that day of the year.. it's coming 2nd of November, 1985.. the date followed me into my life, the date that represents me in every single documents, the date told by my kindergarten teacher as the most important date that i must remember no matter what, the date that will be carved on my epitaph stone, the date that will see me rise and fall.. I am glad that the youngest son of my family, i am happy that i belong to that family, and i am happy that i am growing well without much accident happened to me.. I am pretty well.. however, the fact that i m turning 20 without much achievement, experience and success in any major sense just doesnt make feel like decent.. I havent represent my home country for anything, i havent do anything like bungee and sky-diving, havent publish a book, havent this, havent that.. havent havent havent.. Damn, there's so manything that i wanna do yet i couldnt cover it in the past 20 yrs.. I am going to say goodbye to my teenage life and accepting the beginning of adulthood, and i hope till then the willpower within me will increased and prolong my urge to fulfill all my dreams and goals.. For now, i have nothing more to ask for, but a decent rest and growth until i am done for in Adelaide, and UniSA.. After this year, i shall further my footstep to around the world.. This year, i took a step leaping from Malaysia to Adelaide, next year, it will be melbourne, year after that.. hmm.. hmm.. year.. after that.. hmm any fortune teller out there? This entry is rather ambiguous, since i myself dont really know why i wanna put all these on.. hmm.. just random thougths, impulse and intuition.. and as a bold reminder to the world that... YES.. my BIRTHDAY is coming soon.. Soon.. SOON... SOOOOOOONNNNNN.... *hint hint again again leaving skool f-r3d at 11:58 PM 4 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} the "SLAT-er" party Wednesday, October 12, 2005 Again, i m one day late to post up my interesting daily occurrence, but oh well, let's focus on the core of the entry itself instead of pinpointing on my slumber-ness. Yesterday, at bout 3.30pm, just half an hour before our Learning Psychology's practical where we are suppose to observe this thing called "slater" (no, not Christian Slater, we weren't trying to cage him and electricute him, since he could cloak himself) and their decision making function, me and justin were running around our house and trying to look for them. At that moment, none of us has any idea on how this slater looks like (hopefully not a bug with a face like Christian Slater) Hmm.. for those of you who are lazy and decided not to click on the link to have a proper look on this cute lil bug thing, here's some photo of those cuties ![]() the one we caught was grey in color ![]() Looks abit like flea or tic huh? Due to lack of experience in slater catching and lack of information, we managed to catch only 1, as we were told that those little bastards here love to hide under bricks, woods, stones, or wherever that is dark, and wet.. So, we looked around the house, hunting for them, but end up only one.. tho it is relatively fat (too bad taada picture) and extremely lively. Later on when we meet up with the rest of the people in the pract, then only they tell us that we should look around trees and plants... Damn it.. anyway, Sher Mayne and Lenny they all caught like tons of them, though most of them looks aneroxic to me, as they are so skinny and petite as compared to "Aaron Slater" (my birthday present to Aaron Chong :P) The difference of size and body mass is like Wynona Ryder versus Arnold the governor (too lazy to find the pics, imagine it yourself), you get the idea? Anyway, back to our experiment, it was a relatively simple experiment, what we need to do, is to set up a T-junction looking maze on a piece of tile, and release the slater (1 by 1) at the tail of the T and observe whether they decided to take a left or right turn.. Ok.. it's a weird experiment for a psychologist student.. Anyhow, each round we had to measure those "Slater" (as pronounced as SLUT-ters by us.. :P), clean up the tile and maze (as the scent of the previous SLUTTER might influence the decision of the current SLUTTER), time their time of completion and observe which direction they would go. Each of us had a specific duty, as i was the chief wiper, my job is to clean the maze and tile, everytime the slutter completed a race; Miza's job is to catch (or rather toy with) them up from the container and measure their body length; while Aaron and Hemah were responsible on recording down the details that we were suppose to observe; Sher Mayne was the time keeper and Justin was the Slutter relocater, as he is responsible on putting them into the maze.. hmm.. so.. lenny, what bout you ah? hmm.. so she's the TRUE observer, just stood there and observe.. lol The entire progress was ordinary, until suddenly, when Justin decided to put the slutter onto the tile first.. then only place the maze on them, more like capturing them with the T-Looking maze, he was successful in doing that for quite awhile, until he accidentally squished or smashed the maze on one of this poor little Slutters.. After the collision, the poor lil guy couldn't even walk straight, and we concluded that Justin's little action here paralyzed the lil bug and so we had to replace it with another slutter. Out of a sudden, Lenny came up with the topic of naming Justing as "the Slutter Killer" and nonsense along this line.. However, justin decided to ignore it and continue with the continue with the experiment, while he was setting up the maze and about to release the slater, he noticed that Sher Mayne, the Timekeeper wasnt paying attention, so he shouted,"Eh, Sher it's COmming" hmm.. Come, Comme, Comm, Cum, Cumm, hmm tho it's just a word, a tone of pronuntiation, but becoz of the situation, tone, and people around you, a simply face like "it's coming" can cause the rise of massive nasty thoughts.. lol.. haha.. yeap, due to that incident we (except for the pure and innocence Justin) continued our nonsensical talk about Justin the "Slutter" killer, and how it could end up being a movie (or porno) and the slogan can be something like, "They are coming, and be sure to get "Blown" away" , "If you dont show youself, I will make you Come", etc (p.s for those who couldnt get the sense out of all these.. you are safe, it has been officially justified that your mind is pure, uncontaminated, and please don't try to find out what it means, if you wanna keep your brain clean, :P) Haha..anyway, we finished our entire experiment in bout 70 mins, trapping and observing 20 (21 if you considered the first victim of Justin the slutter killer as one) slaters. It was a fun experiment, really.. though i am still trying to figure out a clear direction on how this is going to link with learning psych.. but yea it was fun.. And so, we did not keep them as a pet or slaughter them bruttaly, we actually set them free to the wild somewhere within our uni compound, and i sincerely hope that Aaron Slater will be safe and be well! leaving skool f-r3d at 5:43 PM 6 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} Strived for the "Plan" Monday, October 10, 2005 Actually this entry is slightly outdated.. as i should update it yesterday instead of today.. Yeap, yesterday was one hell of a day.. that brought a few unexpected surprises to me.. Oh well.. i started the day without a plan anyhow.. To begin the story.. the first glimpse of the day(yesterday) was awarded to me by Liew (my housemate) when he knocked on my door at bout 4.15pm (yes.. i m such a koala..i need 20 hrs of sleep).. To be frank.. i was a bit piss at him at first.. since i really needed my sleep at that time.. and the first thing that came out from his mouth was this, "Eh, Freddy ah, do you want to go to Simple Plan's concert?" *...... .... ... .. . After a brief 5-7 secs of silence.. "Huh?" is the only response i could come up with for his question.. Anyway, he restated his question again, and demand an answer from me.. so since he was so nice to ask me bout it.. i asked him, "when is it?" he replied, "2 and a half hours later" Again.. his reply really smacked me around n left me mind stoned for a few more seconds.. Maybe i was too blur and still remained at my alpha state of mind.. i couldnt think of a reason and any excuse to refuse his offer.. since he said i only need to pay 50% of the price for the ticket.. So, i accepted his invitation to this Simple Plan concert without any initial plan or motivation for it.. ![]() So, we left our house at bout 5.10pm for the concert..and while on our way in the public bus.. i just realized that.. Liew.. he dont even know WHO is simple plan (that might be a good thing actually) yet he decided to go to check it out.. hmm... Anyway, cut the crap short, we reached the city 20 mins later, shopped for our dinner and bunked at Liew's friend's place - Aaron Nathan, a very nice indian guy who offered me countless shots of drinks before the concert.. For this incident i deduct my previous remarks on most Indians are stingy.. only some indians are like that.. some of them can be pretty generous and friendly... We then took a cab from around his place at bout 7.20 and reached the Adelaide Entertainment Center at 7.30... Initially our plan was to push together and get to the front before Simple Plan's performance, however due to the fact that most of the crowds there are young healthy strong looking Australian teens that although aged around 14-17 yet physically more superior than us witty Asians, our fleet of platoons got seperated into 2 groups, when Aaron the front soldier man managed to escort only Private Sashi but left me, Corporal Liew and Private Jade behind.. I never know that Young Australian kids could be SOOOO barbaric.. and remarkably strong especially when the first opening band - Kisschassy (some local bands) performed one of their hit songs, and everybody just stomped around and squished each other into everyone.. damn.. now i know where the Australian national rugby players train their endurance and techniques... And before i could recover my sense, i realized that 3 of us were moving in front without putting any personal efforts.. i felt as if i m just like a small little leaf floating on the river.. i cant control my movement at all and just kept following the flow.. sighz.. young kids nowadays.. A moment later, All American Rejects - the second opening band came out and do their thing.. I've heard of them before, they are actually pretty established themselve.. yet they had to run this kinda small errant for the almighty Simple Plan, and yeah i can feel their depression.. Anyhow, frankly speaking i prefer their music way more than Simple Plan, especially one of their hit songs - Swing Swing, it is really a good song, and the live version was good as well.. And since i was paying more attention to song, i didnt realize that the flow that generated by the crowds has attempted to suck me into somewhere else like the quicksand and seperate me from my fellow platoons, so i quickly pulled myself back to the squad.. And while trying to reunite with them, i felt a sudden shock impact on my head, and my sensorimotor reflexes quickly processes the inputs of pain and i realized that somebody's elbow hit right on the softspot of my headskull.. it was &@(&(#$ painful.. I looked back and saw this 19-20 years old looking Australian girl, smiling at me and just before she apologized, she popped out with this line," Hey, Benny(or issit kenny) is that you?!?!" And just before i could come up with an answer, she pulled me away from my initial direction and dragged me to her group of friends.. (oh gosh, she completely defeated me in terms of strength man) She introduced herself to me, and her name's Carla, and since i was already lost and got dragged into her group somehow, i decided to stick along with them.. and let's just be friends.. I had absolute no problem on hanging out with them until when i found out that.. all of them were only 16!!!! Goodness!! and all this while i thought that they were at least 18-19!! So, i treated them like the age i perceived them to be and spoke to them with a matured tone and all.. but now you are telling me that they were only 16??!!! Gosh, it makes me looked like a bloody pedophilliac since most of them were females.. (oh yea, i couldnt take any picture with my camera, as i left it with liew, and i think it's abit big and clumsy to bring it out as well) So, i behaved like a freaking lost child and looks like a stupid squirrel squishing around a bunch of gold-haired gorrillas.. But somehow or rather it was fun in its own way, as i m practically aggressive in nature, and when you introduced a new born predator to a group of violence loving teenagers, that's it.. case closed.. We managed to clear the path and fougth our way through to the very front of the concert 3 songs after Simple Plan appeared.. In the process.. i received countless shots of upper cut, left/right hooks, shoulder thrusts, boob smashs, toe crackers, etc.. It was a tough road to kill.. After reaching the top.. you cant really do much there already except for listening to the formulated-all-sounds-the-same Simple Plan's simple songs.. So, basically i just dragged my way through and had a lil bit of chats with some of the new gorrilla friends that i've just met through Carla (or Kayla).. They performed for bout 90 minutes, including 2-3 encore songs.. Personally i think that they arent exactly a very good band, in terms of technique and quality of songs, but they are really good with few things, 1) provoking the audience (it's like splashing bloods in front of thousands of hungry predators), 2) then cheer them up again with nation-related praises and actions (the whole Aussy! Aussy! Aussy! Oi! Oi! Oi! thinggy, it's something equivalent to malaysian's "Malaysia Boleh" thing..) , 3) making catchy tunes with repetative rhythms, 4) writing lyrics with bold languistic and words that are very easy to remember and sing along with, 5) using the F words, 6) Occasionally the A**holes, 7) and not afraid to show their beer bellies in front of blood thristy gorrillas... I am really amazed at the fact that i actually managed to survive the entire concert without passing out and all.. afterall, i got lost from my mates n all.. And just before the end of the concert, when all of the band members starting to throw all the "free gifts" like guitar picks, brandless drum sticks, water bottles (!), sweat towels, etc.. The vocalist (i dunno his name.. i just know that he's the fattest of them all) walked towards my direction and threw some black coloured sock-looking like object towards my direction.. With years of experience as a goalkeeper, my reflexes denied my brain's order and instructs my hand to raise up and grab that dodgy looking object.. Guess what.. it's one side of his wrist glove ![]() It does looks like sock right? lol ![]() And this is how it looks like after u put it on.. it's freaking nameless and worn off (i washed it before i put it on) Yeap, this is the bloody nameless wrist glove i snatched it from the rest of the hungry gorrillas (Jase, i didnt steal it from the vocalist la, he threw it towards me one, it's freaking worn off anyway) It was all sweaty.. when i first hold on to it.. I do not know whether i should be happy or sad.. As.. i expected it to be something of a "brand" uno.. like nike or adidas.. or at least a reebok.. i never expected it to be something NAMELESS and that cacat in condition sommore.. man.. u can get this kinda shit in every single K-Mart man.. damn there goes my plan of selling it on ebay and make some money out of it.. grr.. All in all.. yesterday night was fun!! seriously.. but mainly not becoz of the fan tho.. I am happy because, 1) got to participate in such a big scale concert with only 28 aud, 2) Met so many young australian friends (some of them are hot.. Carla especially.. too bad, only 16, and i dun really wanna go out with ang mohs.. as in into serious relationship), 3) They mistaken me as someone 16, :P HAHA, 4) Got to witness All American Rejects' performance.. though only 4-5 songs, 5) managed to prove that Australians are generally more ganas than Malaysians, 6) somehow got my hands lay on the stupid sweaty wrist glove of a retarded looking celebrity, 7) got some free drinks from Aaron's house before the concert (Teacher's Scotch) and made some new friends there as well.. It might not be a good plan to go n watch Simple Plan without any plan in hand, but for my case, it ended up all good.. i am satisfied.. And PEACE OUT.. ![]() leaving skool f-r3d at 11:59 PM 1 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} Badger Fever Wednesday, October 05, 2005 Somewhere around 4-5 years ago (or issit 6-7 yrs?), when the macromedia Flash technology hit the internet, many people attempted to create many many aimless, brainless, senseless, flash vids that has only 1 ultimate motive.. which is to reduce the amount of your functional braincells... Notable old time classic flash vids are like the infamous banana phone, ABC song, Peanut butter jelly time and many more.. Generally.. those flash vids that managed to make it big.. shared a few common features.. 1) they are equally brainless (most of them could temporarily reduce your IQ by 25 or more), 2) they are equally annoying (to those who cant tolerate stupidity and be amused by hypnotic tunes.. did i say HYPNOTIC??), 3) they have really really catchy tune (same principle as the famous numa numa dance), 4) and again.. it's really HYPNOTIC.. you could just let it on for like 30 mins.. some ppl actually did leave it on for hours Maybe people really like the "stone" feeling.. and you could actually achieve it by looking at one of this vids.. repeatedly.. eventually without any chemical input you could reach the stoning stage in no time And recently... one single flash video brushed the old records and made its own name with its very own uique style and all.. And that's our badgerbadger vid.. ![]() I m not talking bout the real badger, badger.. but... This horrible creature *point below here that haunts many internet users' minds ![]() The truly notorious BADGERBADGER known for its ability to kill your brain On the surface.. the character itself looks pretty much cute and innocent.. huh.. hmm.. wait till you actually watch the vid.. Click here for first hand badger-ized experience.. This thing here.. got really famous around the end of last year.. and the disease continue to spread till now.. and it even has it own website!!! An independent host for just a single flash vid.. OMFG... This thing is clearly evil.. yet some people still couldnt live without it.. some says it's almost equivalent to the addiction to ciggarrettes and hard drugs.. Woah... I do not deny that.. this vid actually possessed the capability to do so.. trust me.. i got haunted by it.. many many times.. According to some unknown forums, some dude in America actually rely on this vid to put his son to sleep.. LOL... please it's not a lullaby song.. it might works.. somehow.. at its slowly numb your senses and put you onto the euphoric alpha state which most sedative drugs could do.. The situation gotten worst.. as many people around decided to pick up the role as a plaguespreader by fowarding this infectious vid to all their friends.. and eventually it forms a big circle.. till even some American companies uses it as an advertising material.. yes.. They showed it on national TV.. for goodness sake.. (@# you intended to brainwash the population issit? Here's a vid that showed the most severe symptom of getting tagged along by the badgerbadger movement.. (they obviously got brainwashed nicely.. and the badgers successfully took over the control of their brain and all..) LOL >.< Despite of the serious situation.. some people whom already been converted by the badgers add oil to the fire.. and made even more vids that pictured similar style as the original.. Here are some links you could click to dope yourself a lil (remember don't stare at it for too long.. make sure to set an alarm somewhere) - Santa, Footy (must watch if you are already a devotee of the badgerbadger clan), PotterPotter, Badgers of the Rings, badger-banana fusion... (damn! i m a plaguespreader myself here.. :P) I guess.. i should stop here.. before someone decided to take an action against me or sue me or something.. lol.. Anyway.. enjoy it.. as long as you don't drug yourself too much with this.. and advice #1 dont watch it while drinking (you will DIE of "stonage" or braindead..) #2 try to get the song out of your mind by listening to something else that are less nasty.. #3 if you are seeing things.. like this kind of hallucination... *point below ![]() ARGHH.. they are infecting my desktop!!!! ARGHHH!!! Please please.. off that shit.. go drink some cold water, take a cold shower if you need to.. try to recover your sense ASAP.. it's poisonous!! nasty stuff.. So.. till my next post.. let's sing a song.. BadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadger.. MushroomMushroom.. BadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadger.. MushroomMushroom.. BadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadger.. Snake..arhh..Snake..Snaaakkkeeeee... BadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadger.. .... ... .. . . . . . ARGHHHHH!!!!!!! Disclaimer: watch the vid with your own care, Fred-factor holds no responsibility for the introduction and promotion of the vids. leaving skool f-r3d at 5:14 AM 6 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} Warlovers in disguise Sunday, October 02, 2005 I m pissed.. as in really ANGRY.. GRRRrrr... This morning.. (at bout 10.30am) while on my way home from Chinatown (after getting some PANDAN LEAVES and anchovies), just on the walkway right before the entrance of my house.. I saw a few pigeons gathering around the corner. Among the pigeons, there is this one particular pigeon, unlike the usual kinds around my area that possessed either a punk-mohawk looking hairstyle or cock-eyed breed, this one looks like DUCK. one of the usual kinds around my area: ![]() Old-skool punk rock lover with a mohawk hairstyle in the bird's region (sorry for the blur pic.. :P) The other usual kind: ![]() the cock-eyed breed, too bad i couldnt snap a pic from the front And the now.. the duck looking pigeon: ![]() the culprit of my later misfortune On the first glimpse.. i really tot it was a duck.. hanging around with its multiracial accquaintances.. but it's indeed a pigeon.. or at least.. a bird that could fly.. sky high Anyway, since i m not much of a "bird" person, i decided to just leave them alone and go back to my own hut.. and out of the sudden.. just before i entered the front yard of my house.. without a freaking warning.. this duck looking lil ruscal here flew towards me and tried to attack my nose!! My gosh, it was quick, aggressive.. and without a doubt.. dangerous.. Thank god for my constant practices as a goalkeeper in football.. i barely managed to dodge the attack.. just to leave an opening for one of the cock-eyed dude to attempt to snatch away my beloved pandan leaves.. Everything looked as if it was well planned and it was ridiculous.. me being attacked by pigeons that are suppose to be the embodiment of PEACE??!! WTF???!! A symbol for peace and love.. *ka-pui!! Anyhow, i managed to avoid even the second attack from the birds, and returned them with a warcry that sent them flying (that's when i realized that, yea that thing isnt a duck) Yes.. and that's the reason why i m so annoyed.. by the stupid birds.. trying to attack my nose as if it's a cherry or what.. while the others trying to steal my pandan leaves at the same time.. LOL, what's with all this man? Is our world really that corrupted till even the creature that suppose to bring luck and peace to mankind.. ATTACK us just to gain something in return for their sensation? And somemore.. a DUCK looking pigeon.. *puzzled.. Peacelover? NAH... pissed me off only From today onwards.. i would like to declare that.. I HATE birds.. And they are all EVIL... they are all demons in disguise, they fooled us all!! I've been attacked by them ever since forever, around standard 4 when a crow attacked me for no reason, form 3 when some weird looking chicken chased me without a cause, 2 years back when my friend's dad's parrot poke my finger while i was trying to feed that brat.. this march while eating subways in Glenelg beach together with Justin and ended up being surrounded by unfriendly seagulls (a legion of them), few months back while visiting Cleland wildlife park, some turkey looking bird peck my hand (hard!! leaving a.. hmm beak mark?) just becoz Sher Mayne was telling me that it's friendly.. (yea right), and now almost got gang robbed by a syndicate formed by 3 races of pigeons.. that's it! From today onwards.. if i have the chance.. I m going to take my revenge.. i will show no mercy to all of you birdies.. try to snatch my precious pandan leaves away from me? i m gonna strip u and pluck out all your feathers. Tried to attack my nose? I m gonna take my revenge and paint your beak PINK.. If i have the chance.. If i.. hmmm... Additional message.. when i said birds.. i mean.. ALL birds.. from ostrich to pigeon, from eagle to duck, from chicken to kingfisher.. every single one of them!! P.S- just realized that i made a super huge mistake.. that is.. Pigeons arent the embodiment that represent peace.. but DOVES.. instead they are the ones which represent poverty and disease (no wonder).. anyhow.. they are all BIRDS.. so WHO CARES???!!! leaving skool f-r3d at 11:57 PM 8 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} |
![]() Host: F-r3d Occupation: Master in Everything Future occupation: Conflict evoker?