Dang Dang Dang
Thursday, December 22, 2005 Before I start.. I apologize for the gap between this and the last entry, main reason being my very own laziness and also a lil bit of ma tight schedule.. :P So, as many of you who read my previous post would know that, my parents came over to Adelaide on the 10th of Dec with the purpose of touring around as well as attending my graduation (hehe). As expected, I went to the airport, guided them back to the city, picked up the car we rented, go home and sleep (that's the first day). Adelaide, is indeed a lower key destination as compared to many other places, however, if you are like my parents who enjoyed peacefulness and serenity with the mother nature, yeah, then this is the perfect place. We spent like 5-6 days traveled around Adelaide (with my house as the station, as i loaned a room from my landlord for my parents to stay on). To cut the story short, we went to almost every tourist spots and interesting destination that Adelaide offered, specifically, barossa valley, Cleland Wild life park, Adelaide Hill, Harbour Town, Hahndorf, Marion, etc. ![]() My mom in the city, accompanied by the fountain of vic square under 42'c's temperature ![]() Mom & Dad and the whispering wall ![]() random scenery, too bad i had to rescale it.. ![]() Mom & Dad posing for Chateau Barossa (one of the bigger wineries in B Valley) Additonal note: for those who never heard of Barossa Valley, this is one wonderful location in Adelaide where all wine drinkers must pay a visit to. It's a farmish small village that consists of 56 different wineries! The best part is.. you get to test all of their wines (cept for the limited ones) for FREE and if you are lucky some of the wineries even offer you free cookies, breads and Cheese! A must go for tourist. ![]() Since both my parents dont really drink that frequently, my mom spent most of the time taking pics, :D ![]() Best scenery you get here in B valley, Bethany Hill, and my mom Tips and recommendation: 1) when you get into the winery, act cool, and don't show them that you know jackshit bout wine, pretend that you are at least a standard wine drinker, so that they will kept feeding you with the best wines they could offer in order to impress you. 2) if you doesnt like the wine they pour for you, tip it or pour it away, every wineries should have a bucket or something for you to do so, do not feel embarassed or having that kind of feeling that god will punished you for wasting such quality drink, no, just tip it, it's the way it suppose to be. 3) if you see cookies, breads, or cheese lying on the counter, take only. You can ask them for water, if you want to cleanse your throat 4)Do not go to Jacob's Creek, it's famous yes i know, it's big yes i know, but since you could buy their wine even in places like Malaysia, Cambodia, or maybe Timbaktu, why bother visit their winery? 5)For scenery wise, try Bethany wines, Barasossa wines, their wines arent that bad, but the sceneries outside are better. 6)For sweet white wines, try Rockford, Langmeil, and maybe Pennfold. 7)For not so sweet white wines like Riesling, Langmeil have some good ones, but also try Peter Lehmann and this one Chateau that i could not remember the name 8)For sweet red wines, Kies, that's the only place you can get real sweet and fruitful red wine, try either deer stalker or the other one.. 9)For quality dry red, Charles Chimicky, Turkey Flat, Rockford, and Pennfold.. Charles chimicky offered some really wicked Shiraz 10)For entertainment purposes, find Maggie's beer, they have some pheasants over there and a few peacocks. ![]() Cleland Wildlife park, with mom n dad ![]() This lil bugger here, is a real glutton, never miss a single chance on clinging to you and beg for food ![]() So much so that i could actually kidnapped him and have him my latest pet ![]() Do you wanna follow kor kor home? "do you have good sunflower seeds?" .... After touring around for bout 5-6 days, finally, the moment has arrived~~~~ mua graduation ceremony! We reached the Adelaide festival centre at about 11.45, where the ceremony is suppose to start at bout 2.45, yet still it was already packed full with ppl like me. ((before the ceremony)) ![]() parents & myself ![]() Alicia, Eric, Hendrik, myself, and Bernice ![]() everyone's ready, cept for sher mayne being "pinned" down by aaron's mom.. lol And during the ceremony, ![]() My 3 yrs worth of hardworks just for this moment and that piece of pride paper ![]() After the ceremony, we were suppose to comb the "hair" thing to the right (aaron & lenn got it wrong) ![]() YAY!! (cwise from behind: Justin, Aaron Ho, Me, Sher, Bernice, Alicia, Eric & Liew) It was fun, tho i was suprisingly too calm, not a slightiest bit more excited than the moment i sip a cup of bella rouge.. Just before walking up to the stage, Bernice dared me to do some stuffs up there.. hmm.. and i did something, not too crazy yet not ordinary.. In this kinda occasion, anything other than right after you received your cert and walk away swiftly is considered as unusual and worth an applause for.. so i just kissed the cert i received and walked a way "proudly" haha in a depth bit arrogant manner.. lol.. so not like me.. I am indeed happy that i finally graduated, without any problems, however i do not agree with the long winded ceremony that could bore me to death several times.. please in the future, could you provide some entertainment services for the graduants? like attached PS-2 to the seat and a headphone? I would seriously appreciate that if that's gonna implement soon So now, i am once again a free man, not for long, as i am still hoping to get into Monash for post grad course.. tho they are seriously taking their own sweet time, and sent me a mail that saying that "we are going to holiday as much as we can, and only reply our consideration to you at the 1st-2nd week of Jan" #&@)(^&$... After sending my parenst to the airport for their return trip back to malaysia, yeah, i am now alone and bored again... just met up with Jaime who happened to trap herself here in Adelaide for a supposed "vacation" hahaha.. i pity man Jaime.. a vacation that could allowed you the time to finish 5 books in a week is really something... Meanwhile, I still have a long way for my packing, still not too sure on how to start on with.. hehe.. lol.. i m bored.. n today's #*(&%# HOT....!!! i want my ice kacang... leaving skool f-r3d at 12:18 PM 2 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} Truly random Thursday, December 08, 2005 To begin with, i've just confirmed with the university bout a week ago regarding that, yes, i m officially a degree holder! Additionally, i've also received an offer letter from the uni (UniSA) on the master course (Master in Conflict Management) i applied bout 2-3 weeks ago. It surprises me as their admin werent normally that smooth and efficient, well, they do want to keep lost dogs like me for another year or two as long as we could pay up the fees. Oh well, it's true that they accepted me, but it doesnt mean that i am gonna accept their offer :P, it's just a backup plan just in case my application to other Uni for a more counseling based courses got rejected (though i m kinda tempted to accept the offer, as it would just be another 1 1/2 yrs before i became a master degree holder.. hmm...). So, yea, i am happy, so long as Monash U or UQ reply as soon as possible regarding the consideration of my application. Additionally, my parents are coming over to adelaide starting from tomorrow, main objective is to attend my convocation and also to travel around. Hmmm.. they have approaximately 10 days to spend here.. and due to my lousy planning and busy schedule during exam periods, i couldn't lay down a trip to bring them to tazmania.. Instead, we have got to settle with just a 3 days trip to kangaroo island (somewhere down south of adelaide), and spend like 6 days running around in and out of adelaide. If you ask me now, "is Adelaide really that boring?", i would say.. "no, as in the morning you could jog around as the environment here is very clean and refreshing, during noon time we can visit the zoo, wildlife park, picnic by the lake, feeding kangaroos, shooting birds, evening we can again jog for another round or organize a bbq session with some beers, then at night, during weekdays we can sleep, weekend we can party or watch footy, holiday? what's that? aren't we holidaying everyday?" See? how interesting could adelaide be, we never get bored here, and we never need to buy ourselves a set of monopoly and play whole night long and ended up with quarrels, we never need to window shop for 4-5 hrs just becoz we are poor and bored.. no.. we never.. *sob.. lol Alright, cut the crap, in actual fact, it's not so bad, as a vacation spot. If you love beautiful sceneries and in font with the creation of nature, adelaide is the place. If you love trekking or rendevous around with a 4wd, and travel across the desert, adelaide is the place. If you love to just relax and live a life like a retiree for a few days, adelaide is the place. If you love to try the authentic kangaroo meat, adelaide is the place. They have skydiving services around the outskirt, shooting range by the desert site, alice spring on the north, kangaroo island on the bottom, barossa valley with top graded wines within reach, adelaide is really not too bad of a place for vacation (seriously, i m promoting them). It's kinda sad that, i might leave this place and wont be coming back forever. After all i've spent a yr of my life here, trying to blend in with the culture here while enduring tortures from my lectures, i think i will miss this place (seriously). Now, after reporting some delightful news and abit of promotion for adelaide, here comes my ranting on some random issues. Alright, first i would like to clarify that, the entry i posted few weeks ago stating that i've commited and attached to somebody, was a faulty statement. It's suppose to be a joke.. a Joke! A joke is meant to be harmless, or at least believe me when i said, "it was a joke!!" Don't take it seriously and bugged me non-stop. I am still single, as pure as pearl Now, another random thought, another clarification, i know i have quite a number of friends, and quite a number of odd ones.. some of them like to fish at midnight (literally), some of them can finish mario in 2 hrs, some of them love to commit fancy life-risking act and hurt themselves pretty badly and so on. And for some strange reasons, i somehow clique with them/you (if you know i m talking about you), probably because i share some similar characteristics with them/you or some sort. Recently, i realized that i have quite a number of friends (majority are females) that love to converse/communicate with adaption of codes or symbols that carried along subtle messages. It works more or less like the combat code you learnt through various action pack movies, or the binary code the 100101001001110101 thing.. It's a very smart way to communicate with such special system, even when the intended recipient do not know bout the plan, as long as you know, somehow for some reason he/she would understand it (as there's the whole point of setting up private communication code). I do agree that, to certain degrees, i enjoy cracking these codes, especially from females (even when i am not the intended recipient), it's like a top-class burglar trying to crack the security code of the national muzeum's safety box, the process itself contains a subtle form of thrill and it would reflect a certain level of intelligence and recognition (if you ARE the intended recipient). However, i have to say that, not everyone, could establish this kind of connection with anyone, i mean you need 2 person (or more) with a dept bit of similar wavelenght in order to carry out the message with utter 100% accuracy, as the it won't be the case if i interpret "green banana" as a new gun in the gang while the other party perceived it as a male virgin. It's tough, really tough, and i m suprised at the fact that some ppl can really confused you around with some double inferral statements and it will lead you to nowhere. I love these things... it made me moer anxious as i need to feed my curiosity with the answer and it stimulate me to be more alive.. but now the problem is.. nobody seems to understand the message or subtle code i made.. i m so sad.. *sob Aight, now, i need to clean up the place abit, before i hit the sack, as i need to get up early to fetch my parents.. i shall write a lil bit more bout how to properly execute tactful communication in that sense when i have time and mood to do so. Till then, bye! P.S- this post, as the title suggested is completely random, if u get it u get it, if you dont.. remember? secret code? wavelength? ahh there you go. leaving skool f-r3d at 9:52 PM 1 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} Funeral for my "memories" Friday, December 02, 2005 Sighz, it has been awhile since my last post, i am feeling so lethargic and demotivated, as i am still in the process of recovering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) due to the death of my memories... Alright, since i am abit better now, with the treatment of gaming and meeting up with friends and so on, let me tell you the story. *sit down with the mahaguru post As some of you might know, recently, due to constant exposure to the hazardous internet, my PC has been infected by various venomic spywares and trojan-like parasites. Those cunning little things, sucked the hell out of my PC's bandwitdh and processing speed just like japanese uncle's fetish for school girl uniform (hmm.. maybe that's not a very good example). Anyway, it was really slowing down my PC to bout only 40-50% of its potential. The funniest part was, at one point when Kok Tong came over to my place to check out the PC while it's still logged on to the net, a silly "unusual" advert pops up.. and guess what? It was a freaking pop-up that advertise some Christian Radio Station.. Both me and kok tong's reaction was like.. what the hell? THAT's quite an annoying way of spreading your religion man (no offense to christianity as a whole, just scrutinizing that specific "christian radio ad"). It was so funny, and kok tong labelled that pop-up as the "divine Intervention". Though i am quite a patient guy in this sense, yet, i couldnt stand operating my PC with all these "intervention" screwing up my life and PC. Therefore, I decided to reformat my PC, to give it a rebirth. At that time, my external HDD was being used by Justin, and anyway it wouldnt have sufficient space to cover all my important files, so kok tong's half past dead HDD came into my mind. It might looks a bit old and unreliable at first glance, but it works even after 4 yrs of hardwork occupying by kok tong, so i hired that veteran memory agent to store up some of my files. I brought it over to the comp lab, and burned out most of the files into CDs, and I ran out of blank CD just before i could burn out my 2 gigabytes worth of picture files. I thought of leaving it with the veteran and transfer it back to my PC. However, I do not know whether it's because of the yucky weather, kok tong's bad breath, my messy room, or its own natural lifespan, it somehow caught a stroke during the process before i manage to transfer my file back, and remain paralyzed!!! !#()&$ It just refused to bloody wake up!! The cable plugged in, the light's on, but it remained silent and wouldn't move a bit.. ARGHHH~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It died along with my precious memories for the past 1-2 years!!!! How tragic can this be?!! I am blessed that my PC is currenly parasite free and operate in a very decent speed, but.. but.. i lost my "memories".. All my pictures.. all my hardwork.. memories of wonderful sceneries, buildings, pleasurable occasions, friends, families, pets, people who hated me, people whom i adore, etc.. Grrrhhh... Anyhow, I am abit calm now, so i do not need to handcuff and putting on a straightjacket while discussing this issue. The moral of the story is, 1st, if you wanna burn something out of a backup HDD, do not leave anything behind, BURN IT ALL!!! 2nd, just because it's old doesnt mean it's reliable, besure to check the brand, 3rd, forget bout getting any Maxtor HDD.. they are weaklings, they died before completing their mission. leaving skool f-r3d at 1:15 PM 0 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} |
![]() Host: F-r3d Occupation: Master in Everything Future occupation: Conflict evoker?