Good news and Bad news
Wednesday, April 26, 2006 I will start with the good news.. as i think it's rather pleasant to provide a good impression then a sucky beginning.. just like when watching a movie.. if you give me a choice of watching a movie with good beginning but sux at the ending and the other way round.. i will choose the one with a good intro/beginning.. sue me if you think that it's stereotypical and i might pre-judge the quality of the show overall.. but oh well. that's just me.. n did i mention some thing bout 'if?" haha.. Anyway, the good news is.. YAY i m finally blogging at home now instead of borrowing the PC in the lab or just let my blog dried to death. I am indeed happy, yes, when i received the news, tho i was having a tad bit problem on configuring the modem n the connection, and i was the only one awake Now, here, the bad news... i lost my wallet for bout 18 hrs.. n i lost it right after i wrote my last post yesterday.. n the reason for losing it.. i left it there n not realizing it until this morning.. bout 11am (after all the configuration) ARGHHH.. so i ran to the uni.. looking for it, talk to the security guard.. asked the person in-charge.. NOTHING.. so i walked back home.. took out my passport.. wanted to cancel my bank account.. then just before i left the house.. i thought why not i check my email and see.. as the security guard has told me that if they found it they will email me (with my student id they can trace my email add).. so i checked.. n guess what? The campus central is holding the wallet for me..!! Who the hell in the world would wanna turn in a lost wallet there??? i never heard of this.. and maybe i am denial at that stage.. but oh least i managed to get back my wallet.. without the money tho.. but everything else are still there.. so i m kinda glad.. the reunion with my wallet didnt last very long.. as the guy at campus central there (obviously bored) and were trying to have a deeper conversation with me... or more like a lecture or some sort.. therefore.. i have no other choice.. but to shorten the length of my inspection on my lost wallet.. bullshit an excuse and ran away.. anyway.. i m still happy.. tho i lost like.. probably close to 100aud, and 30ringgit.. but oh well.. it's a lesson that i need to learn myself.. Never take out your wallet and put it under the keyboard to serve as a base so that you have more space for your wrist to rest and type.. hmm.. haha.. oh well.. i think i should eat less or go for cheaper food for the next few weeks then.. leaving skool f-r3d at 9:04 PM 4 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} The best part-time job for me? Tuesday, April 25, 2006 Again, I am here sitting in the middle of the uni lab abusing the internet connection provided. It's good that today's a holiday, Anzac day or some sort like that, I do know what exactly it is, and why the aussies are celebrating it.. but nope, i am not gonna explain it here.. :P Oh well.. I am in the middle of my assignment, trying to finish off the 1,500 words essay that have been haunting me for weeks.. it's nothing complicated, i am just a lil bit too slugged off to begin with, and the topic which i've chosen and did a presentation based on that.. was just.. a lil bit too dull for me to pick back up my fighting spirit to give it a final blow. So, right here, I am taking a lil break here, keeping the promise that i've made.. updating my blog that i should have been updated sooner than today.. haha.. alright, now cut the crap and go straight in to the point of writing this post. Right, so about 2-3 weeks ago, I was having a chat with Andrew (tan) and found out that a small research group under the Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH) are currently running some medical-related experiments and they are still looking for more people to "volunteer" themselves as part of the experiments. It's still an on-going thing, though Andrew had already gone through like 2-3 sessions of it.. and you can only participate once in every 1-3 months i think (not too sure bout that), and payment for the participation is by way of an honorarium at a rate of 18aud per hour for time spent in the laboratory (!!!). According to the info i've gathered, each session would require time being spent for approximately.. 4-5 hours, that means.. 4x18 = 72aud?! Alright, 18aud per hour is definitely tempting.. however the nature of the experiment is indeed important as well.. i wouldnt want to earn some quick cash and then find myself being transformed into some mutants.. worstly, a WEAK mutant.. that will invite nothing but disaster.. oh well, i think there's nothing more for me to worry about, since Andrew seemed to be fine to me.. though he reacted a lil bit blurer than usual sometimes.. hmmmm...... Now, i've read through the information sheet provided by the research group.. it's quite a long piece.. i wont want to type it all out here.. a very brief summary should be sufficient for this post.. So, what is the purpose of this experiment? it's to basically determine how comsumption of different forms of dietary fat influence the function of the stomach (hmm.... interesting), and the researcher will infuse the fat in 2 forms (by using a nasogastic tube and plunge it directly into my stomach through my nostril hole.. urgh..) - a triglyceride (wtf?) and as a free fatty acid. It sounds alright till this stage, cept for the fact that.. "these fats will be labelled with some radioactivity, which enables us to determine the rate at which the fats empty from your stomach". Hmm... and during each session, 110ml of blood samples will be taken, followed by consumption of few mms of nasogastric feeding anaesthetic.. and for every 15-20 minutes.. i will be needed to stand in front of a x-ray machine and they will then "look through" my body to determine the movement of the fatty acids (with the aid of the radioactive induction), and that will be carried on for 5 hours... hmmm... hmmm... I've been thinking of it for bout a week or so.. thinking of whether should i sign myself up and be part of the guinea pigs of these australian researchers. There has been many imaginations happened in my rain of thoughts.. picturing the best (which nothing else happened cept for my happy face with some extra cash i earned at the end of the experiment) and the worst (where the induction of radiaoactivity proves to be fatal and results on me getting mutated or changes that might affect my healthy body).. after spending some time worrying for nothing.. i decided to call them up and enquire more info and clarify with them upon the questions that came across my worries... At the end of the day.. i signed up.. the meeting for the screening will be on this thursday.. i dunno whether due to their persuasion or because of their assurance to me that it's nothing to be worried about.. but 1 thing for sure, i do know that i always have this vivid imagination or fantasy you would say of me being transformed into some superhero or some sort through some involvements with some laboratory and so on... haha.. silly it might be, but oh well to think that just by sitting there for 5 hours while quietly digesting the substance that has been induced into me will earned me 18aud per hour, it's just something that I MUST experience it at least once.. p.s - i wonder whether the nasogastric feeding part would hurt me much or not... leaving skool f-r3d at 2:54 PM 0 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} Rebirth Tuesday, April 11, 2006 Yeap yeap, i know that my tagboard got seriously spammed, jabbed, and harrassed by the unknown forces that lurk beneath the deep dark wide scope of the cyberspace, i know that my blog has gone moldy for long, i know that many of you have been constantly Well, i've promised that i would, and i will reconstruct and fixed the problems with viewing my blog n so on... when i get a fixed internet connection at home, then i will, for sure. It might seems as if it's just another excuse or such to postpone my duty of being the owner of one small fraction of the cyberspace, but, truly, i do not feel comfortable when i am to blog using other pc or in a public space or something like that.. yes, i could type it in words, saved it in my thumbdrive n later on transfer it on to a public pc n post it on, yes, i could, but i wouldnt, it would be an insult to my laptop if i ever did something like that to him, :P, lol.. haha Ok, bottomline is, yes, i admit that i've been a lil bit slack off, and my life here isnt that dull and empty, and i DO have many things in mind on what to blog on. I have many pics to share, i have many stories to tell, i have many complains to make, i have many secrets to share (maybe next not), i have many oppinions to strike upon, i have many suggestions on how to spice up your life to post, i have many "manys" to blog about, from the emergence of my new housemates, my new house, my new adventures, my postgraduate uni life, my new hobbies, to my new philosophy of life. Blame me, or curse me if i am really that lazy to blog bout my colorful life.. I tried not to, but i just didnt have the correct mood to spend much effort on doing that for the past 2 months.. Anyway, believe me or not, i shall try harder to contribute a little bit more from today onwards to this little island in the wide sea of the cyberspace. New skin to put on, i shall. till then.. keep cursing me if you wish leaving skool f-r3d at 6:20 PM 0 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} |
![]() Host: F-r3d Occupation: Master in Everything Future occupation: Conflict evoker?