Embodiment of Skill, Intelligence and Luck
Saturday, May 27, 2006 Mahjong (麻將)is a game for four players that originated in China, which part? god knows. It is a game of skill, intelligence, calculation and luck. Depending on the variation which is played, the amount of luck may vary from 20 to 80 percent (Personal estimation). In China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, and other countries mahjong is ![]() The closest Western analogue is probably the card game gin rummy. Both games involve selecting or discarding units (tiles in one case, cards in the other) to score points by forming groups or runs of similar units. The game pieces (tiles) and scoring rules used in the game are slightly different depending on regional variations. The game play in general is very similar in all versions, as players compete to build sets including the highest point value. The object of the game is to build complete suits (usually of threes) from either 13 or 16 tiles. The first person to achieve this goal is said to have won the game. The winning tile completes the set of either 14 or 17 tiles. Hong Kong Mahjong or Cantonese Mahjong is the most common form of Mahjong, differing in minor scoring details with the Chinese Classical variety (Which is the style that i m more familiar with). However, due to the difficulty of understanding and availability of sufficient players, I am only able to play 3-players mahjong for now. 3-players mahjong or what commonly known as "sum-kah" mahjong, which literally means 3 players (duh..) It's very popular in Malaysia, and Singapore. In contrast to the classical china style, the popular hong kong style, and the technical taiwanese style, the sum-kah mahjong is fairly simple, as it only involves One suit instead of three. Normally, the Circle/button suit (tong zi) will be used instead of the bamboo suit (sok zi)or the character suit (man zi). And, the gameplay will continue on and on, regardless of the prevailing wind or the game wind, and 4 tiles of "Fei" literally means "Fly" in English, will be included in the setup and served as jokers. Joker in mahjong means in can be subsitute as any tiles you would like it to be in order to complete your suit to achive the highest point possible with your current tiles. Each player is dealt either 13 tiles for 13-tile variations. A turn involves a player's drawing of a tile from the wall (or draw pile) and then placing it in his hand. The player then discards a tile onto the table. This signals the end of his turn, prompting the player to the right to make his move. As a form of courtesy, each player is encouraged to announce loudly the name of the tile being discarded (seriously, make some noise). Many variations require that discarded tiles be placed in an orderly fashion in front of the player, while some require that these be placed face down. Seriously, if i continue explaining the rules of the game, it will continue on and on and on.. As it has so much to learn, and what's the point of me explaining if you are not there to experience it practically? (in other words, i m not going to explain anymore for now) Mahjong might be a gambling tool to many people, but to me, though it can be sometimes, but most of the time it's just a very exciting recreational game to me with many elements packed in it. Really, it's not so easy to win a game, even in a simplistic 3-players mahjong. Like i said before, it requires a certain amount of Skill, suffice knowledge and intelligence in this area, and Luck, in order to win a game. ![]() And hopefully, my mates here in Adelaide, wont blame in the future if they somehow got stuck in this somewhat addictive "game". Well, as long as no money is involve.. i guess everything should be fine right? leaving skool f-r3d at 1:16 AM 1 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} Gender Equality Wednesday, May 24, 2006 Equalism is the name of many disjointed political philosophies developed separately by political activists. This includes people of Sexual/Gender Equalism in response to the failings they saw in certain branches of Feminism as well as people of Racial Equalism in response to the discriminatory elements of Affirmative Action (sounded pretty technical huh?) Equalism is based upon the political assertion that all individuals must be equal before society, and that every person is deserving of equal protection from and by society. Aspect of society includes legal-rights, political-rights, civil-rights, social acceptance of attire, behavior and thoughts, etc. "Gender equity", "gender equality", "sexual equality", or gender egalitarianism is the belief in the equality of the gender or the sexes. Many followers of this philosophy would like to see this term come to replace “feminism” or “masculism,” when used to describe a belief in basic equal rights and opportunities for members of both sexes within legal, social, or corporate establishments. Ppl from this school have strong beliefs that opportunities are equal to both sexes, for whatever you do, think, and act. They strive for ultimate fairness, and seek cooperative solutions so as to make things better for both males, females and everything in between. While they may share a number of critiques and analyses with self-described feminists and/or masculists, they feel that “egalitarianism” is a better word for a belief in equality than any word that focuses on one of the genders. To certain extend.. i really believe in this gender equality thing, i mean.. i don't think in extreme that it's a normal for a guy to crossdress n behave like a girl or a girl should act n live like a man or so.. but it is generally acceptable, and i think it's appropriate to allow that to happen, so long that it's not too extreme. However.. some extremists often believe that, we as human, should sooner or later evolve or become more similar and to some extend.. identical to each other. That, is a school of philosohphy which, i may not, and will not agree with them. It's true that.. the world changed, especially the recent n the past century, so much so that it altered and opened up many traditional mindsets various cultures possesses, such as the typical "sexist" view, dominionology, top-down power distance, etc. I believe in equality and unity, in terms of efforts, thoughts and essences in between, but not social engineering that would eliminate individuality. Let's just imagine that.. if somehow, one day.. all of us all think alike, likes the similar thing, eat the similar thing, works alike, etc.. woah.. that will just be a lil bit too much. Do not know why i m in such a deep thought bout all these.. but oh well.. just thought of sharing it with you guys. Now, back to the story with me being mistaken as a girl (yes, i m still not over with it), i had a chat with Sher, and according to her, i DID look like a girl from behind (looking at the pic ler..) Well.. i do not wish to believe that, and so i kinda argue with her bout that fact, and she suggested that, why not i search online and look for pictures of girl's backs? and then compare it with that picture of mine. hmmm... with a lil bit of doubt in mind.. i continued n did a search on it after all.. and let's see what we got right here.. Let's compare this back of mine.. with what i've found off the net ![]() i still think that it's quite manly looking for me (:P) Comparison #1 - Jesse (a friend of mine) ![]() Well, ignore the fact that she tied up her hair, i still think that the difference between the structure of our backs is quite huge. First up, it's the firmness of the shoulder and the back muscles, i meant, it's obvious that her back isnt firm and that's still a lil flabby (don't kill me if u see this). Second, the lil curve there down the waist line, i do not have that, and only females do. Third, i don't have that t-shirt. hmm..well.. Let's move on.. Comparison #2 - Unknown internet poser (who doesnt like to show her face) ![]() Now this.. she actually looks abit like guy from this view.. Seriously.. tho, you can still vaguely observe the waist line curves that's only applicable to female on her.. but like i said before.. it's fairly vague.. and yes, she has broad, firm, and thick shoulder.. looks like a pair of strong arms to me as well.. hmm.. i think she might be a he.. lol Comparison #3 - Unknown nudist ![]() Now, this woman here, clearly showed the obvious differences of a female back than to a guy's. First up, the shoulder blades aren't as broad and thick, second, links from the collar bones to the shoulders are normally just as the pic would suggest, not thick. Third, the obvious curve on the waist line which normally (more like 95% of the time) only possessed by females. So, the conclusion is.. I am a lil confused, as to am I being too feminine nowadays (maybe because of my hair), or is the society began to change to such a manner that, many girls look like guy from the back, so that everyone confuses everybody? P.S- not trying to be offensive here, so if you think that the above topic here is a lil sensitive, i apologize.. but yet again, it's mainly about my own doubts n thoughts.. so i don't think it will or should affect anybody else. leaving skool f-r3d at 11:37 PM 1 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} Today, it was an ordinary dull-as-usual day for me, or at least.. until 7pm. At 6pm, i was attending this mediation related talk, somewhere around Chinatown, suprisingly quite an interesting speaker, tho the speech was a lil bit too short (roughly 1 hr), and she had to cover too many things.. (tho i only paid for 2aud.. they shouldnt even charge us at first, as students.. @&!@$*) Anyway, even so that the talk was quite satisfactory to my liking.. it wasn't good enough to hype me up in any sense.. However, it was what happened after then that provided me the inspiration for this post... Alright, now to the main story.. So, right after the talk, before heading to Chinatown for dinner, I felt a sudden urgent signal from my urinal gland indicating to my brain that, my precious genitalia down there is enquiring for permission to detoxify by releasing unwanted toxins out of my body. With that in mind, i quickly look for the sign says ---> Toilet. As i pushed the door open, there was this t-junction, where to my right is the gents, and to the left is the ladies.. so, be in line with logic, And the next thing i know, she shouted, "Oh, goodness! I thought you are some lovely young lady!!", and she went off as swift as a shooting star (even before i could "unzip" my wish). And yes.. as you should understand by now.. i was once again being mistaken as a girl.. arghh...!! and the funniest part was.. she only realized it when she was few feets away from the urinal stands.. lol.. omg.. Do i really look like a girl from behind???? Do I?? DO I?? DOOOOooo AAAaaaIIIiiiii?? Is she really that blur? or is my back really that feminine? i might sounds a lil bit paranoid by now.. well.. Indeed i really am.. what if i really DO look like a girl from behind? and what if it is somehow attractive? (as i would intentionally assume from the term "lovely young lady", hoho), and what if some perverted uncle with the intends to kidnap "lovely youg lady" somehow mistaken me again? what if? what if???? Arrggghh... Anyway.. here's the sample pic of how i look like from the rear ![]() I do not, not 10% even.. look like a female from this angle I am really curious as to.. why n how the lady could mistaken me as a "lovely young lady".. As, i had a denim-like jacket on at that time (so i should look bigger, bulkier, in other words, macho-ier) and i was carrying this army cammo decor backpack.. I don't see from a logical perspective that.. which part of my body is showing the sign of feminity.. and directly or indirectly inferred to her that.. "i = lovely young lady" My gosh.. well.. as suggested by one of my friends.. i could see that statement and the occurrence of the incident as a compliment (?? huh?) As according to her, it shows that at least i have the metrosexual side of me.. backview only at least.. lol.. my gosh.. that sounded abit wrong.. Additionally, according to Adrian (2006), "haha yea...u dun look like a chick from behind...soli to break it to u", well.. dont feel sorry for me.. i still think i could somehow view it as a good thing.. well at least.. i had a good time laughing bout it.. and spent a lil bit more time on analyzing my appearance (from the back) leaving skool f-r3d at 1:14 AM 3 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} How I met Your Mother Sunday, May 21, 2006 A corny line like that might sounds ridiculous and awful, and would probably never be said it out loud from a mouth of a Asian father or any conservative minded dad.. Corny? Cheesy? Funny? Meaningful? well hell yeah.. As many of you who havent gotten married yet or going to, would you or will you ever spend time telling the stories of how you and your partner got together to your offsprings? Would you? Will you? (well, i understand here that some of you prefer not having kids, but the question here is, hypothetically, IF you have children) Personally, i love kids, i like seeing them slugging around with their innocent little figure and charming pair of eyes. And so, i believe that i m gonna have kids when i m commited and stuffs like that.. So, when they grown one day.. maybe during their mid teenage life.. around 14-16 let say.. and let's just assume that if i have 2 kids, 1 boy 1 girl.. would i one day, Well.. it's rather awkward thinking bout stuffs like that.. n trust me.. i m not being desperate or horny at the moment or.. being psychotic about the commitment thing or whatever..i m enjoying being single right now.. (disclaimer: uh hmm uh hmm, I am still single and available *insert charming smile and the spark on my teeth). So, till now.. many of you would ask.. what the hell is wrong with me? the answer for that question is simple, I am all crazy bout this american made high tech visual simulation feat, a.k.a a sitcome with continuing storylines, namely "how I met your mother". **Spoiler-free, so you do not need to skip this blog if you decided to watch it later (you need to download tho, or so i heard they are showing it in Melbourne TV) "How I Met Your Mother" (2005) is a comedy about Ted (Josh Radnor) and how he fell in love. The series is narrated through flashbacks from the future, 2030, about how Ted decided to share his love stories with his children (1 boy, 1 girl). It all starts when Ted's best friend, Marshall (Jason Segal), drops the bombshell that he's going to propose (engagement only) to his long-time girlfriend, Lily (Alyson Hannigan), a kindergarten teacher. At that moment, Ted realizes that he had better get a move on if he too hopes to find true love. Helping him in his quest is Barney (Neil Patrick Harris), a friend with endless, sometimes outrageous opinions, a penchant for suits and a foolproof way to meet women. When Ted meets Robin (Cobie Smulders), he's sure it's love at first sight, but destiny may have something else in store. Ted, remarkably a typical blur type man with a humorous but persistent attitude towards love.. and obviously he possessed skills of telling stories that hook you right on.. Gosh.. i cant believe i finished 22 episodes of this story telling thing.. It would be cliche and most of the time boring for a man to share his love experiences and whatever.. but hey, after 22 epds (roughly 25 mins per epd, 25x22= 550 mins, = 9 hrs and 10 minutes) of storying telling.. i m still with him!! this shows that how good this serie is.. As some of you might know that... i m not a big fan of this kinda sitcom or whatever series thing.. (cept for anime) but this one is simply a killer.. (thanks mindy for suggesting this up, and jason for downloading it using our cap.. ) This serie simply rox, as it pre-packed with on-going intellectual jokes, alongside with remarkably classic lame jokes, and cleverly crafted plots and screenplays. It's without a doubt that this serie is kinda starting to have a lil bit of influence of my life.. not so much of life changing.. but a shift bit of usage of slogans, tagwords or metaphors.. like, "this is Leeeggeeennddarrrryyyyyy.." Moreso, it's quite educational in a way that.. the serie also included many hilarious way of picking up girls.. (Mostly invented by Barney in the show) tho most of the time the strategies wont work.. but it's kinda fun if you actually have the chance to try it on somebody.. haha.. well.. for some strange reason.. i kinda feel like this Barney character in the show, to some extend shared the similar channel of jokes with me.. well.. wee fairbit.. at least the lameo part.. and his tendency to challenge something stupid and dareable (is there such a word? oh well i can just made it up) Anyway, to sum up.. this is a good show to catch up whenever you can.. it helps in releasing stress, and hell yeah it's funny.. oh and yea, it's still on-going.. as they've just recently released epd 22 on 15th of may or something.. so.. yeah.. still few more to go.. i suppose.. oh well.. signing off now.. leaving skool f-r3d at 9:53 PM 2 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} Throw or to be thrown Saturday, May 13, 2006 Yesterday i had my very first chance to put on my yellow belt upon my judo uniform, well.. really, it feels good somehow.. it's like i've achieve something.. tho it's not that great in practical, but, hell yeah, i felt good. 3 of us (yellow belters) had our chance to free practice around, and pick up new skills for our orange belt throws. The whole process of cracking on how to put it right and apply it on the right situation really excites me. As, from this point onwards, most of the techniques are going to be more technical and it requires instantaneous reflexes. According to my master, the techniques might looks complicated and strange when you first acquired the knowledge about it, but with practice and accumulation of observation and experience, it became more fluent, smooth, and the ultimate goal of judo is to make everything sharper, simpler, and shorter (as in time to react). Seemingly, i sensed a deep meaning lurked right beneath the principle of the martial art, and it's similar to how we live our lives. We do complicate things when it's uneccesary, and it became a habit or a standard reaction, as we progress along our lives with everyone behaving in a similar matter. I've also learned from Judo that, things that are similar, arent neccesarily the same, with just a fraction of differences, it could results in the direction of the outcome. Moreso, outcomes of any consequences, cant be limited to just as simple as "win, lose, or draw", there are many other possibilities other than the ones that we normally perceived it as "usual" possibilities. There are times that, the outcome might turned out to be a stagnant state, a mixture of elements (complex combination of win-lose-draw situation), redirection of issues, etc. Since, everything possessed the possibilities to be anything, the basic principle of securing your desire or your need, is to tackle basics of the circumstances. Say, if you view the obstacles in your life as the opponent you face in judo, the first thing you must bring with you, is the courage and will to face it. Next, with the mind of clear concentration, hold firm to your ground, understand your goals/needs, and break its balance. Obstruct the obstacles, by making yourself more flexible and solid in approaching. And, when the opponent is caught off-balance, step in, apply on the knowledge that has already been passed to you, and finish it off. Once the result is announce, step up, and be ready for the next match. Unlike judo, Time wont stop, and there's not time to waste. leaving skool f-r3d at 11:44 PM 1 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} Experiment done! Thursday, May 11, 2006 Well, as most of you would remember, i've posted something about this experiment, and today, i've finally done it.. Trust me not, it's not really quite an easy way of earning money.. what i did was.. just to sit down there.. getting poke by the nurse with a nasogastric feeding tube, been fed with some amino acid, giving out my blood sample every 15-30 mins, and stand in front of the x-ray.. every now n then.. n with that.. i've earned 90aud for spending 5 hrs like that.. Aside from the money factor, and how easy it was, i had a weird feeling and impression towards the nasogastric tube feeding process.. it's really weird.. it's not as painful as it seems... Now, allow me to illustrate it, step by step: 1) the nurse will ask you, "which hole do you prefer?" (as in nostril hole ler.. tho it sounded really really wrong) 2) after your decision on which hole to be invaded/violated by the tube, the nurse will then spray some anticeptic into that nostril.. (woah.. it was as bitter as hell.. but it really helps unblocking the whole track.. n kinda cooling too) 3) then, here comes the culprit to the violation of my nostril hole, the nasogastric tube will be taken out by the nurse, with some lubricant applied on it.. and slowly.. the nurse will then stuck the tube into your nostril, once she found the correct pathway.. she will just push it in.. (woah.. trust me, the feeling of it going down like that, isnt good at all.. especially for guys.. as i could feel the tube like rubbing through my throat and touching my adam's apple, and whenever i swallow my saliva, it tickles..) 4) After the installation of the track, here comes the invasion of another form.. the nurse will then pump in the amino acid that has been labelled with minor levels of radioactivity, right into your stomach thru the tube.. (the feeling is again.. pretty strange to me.. it's like without the whole process of tasting, chewing, munching and swallowing, you felt something cold in your stomach.. and awhile later.. you are feeling rather full, as they freaking poured in like 600ml of liquids; *i had to fast the day before, after 10pm, therefore the feeling is pretty much intermediate) 5)Now, the fun part.. taking the tube out.. the process of removing it out of your body is way easier than putting it in, and strangely.. i had a rather strange but hysteric feeling bout it.. dunno why.. and it's kinda ticklish too.. You guys should try the nasogastric feeding method one day too.. it's not pleasurable but.. it's something worth trying.. haha.. maybe it's just me.. If you ask me, the most killer part about this experiment, is the boredom and the amount of blood they want from me.. As in, i freaking stayed there for 5 hrs.. without doing anything constructive.. other than taking in fatty acids and giving out blood... (at least 500-600ml equivalent) Though, they did serve me food later.. i still think i lost way too much blood in that way.. i believe could sell my blood ( O negative btw, if some of you do not know) in blackmarket for higher price if i try.. ![]() I had to stuck with that thing for like 5 hrs tho.. Additionally, while standing there and being scanned by the xray.. i could see the structure of my stomach and intestines.. and according to the researcher and the comparison between the size of my stomach and another indian guy who was also there for the experiment.. i really do have a larger stomach as compare to the normal stomach:body mass ratio. Imagine this, if my body mass is M size, instead of possessing a stomach with the size M, i have a XL stomach.. which is not normal but not yet a disorder.. lol.. In my mind, i have this picture of a wira with truck equivalent fuel consumption rate.. hmmm.... that's not quite a good thing isnt it? leaving skool f-r3d at 6:52 PM 3 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} New Look Installed Monday, May 08, 2006 Chang chang chang chang *insert sound effects of gong and cymbals... After so long, finally i've decided to spend some time and invest onto the rebirth of my blog.. alongside with the introduction of a new look. First impression might not be everything, but indeed it is still an important factor in determining many desirable outcomes. Not to mention that the previous appearance of my blog was not just unpleasant but falty with errors and SPAMS... It's pretty irritating yes.. and i realized that color schemes such as light brown-orange are no longer what i fancied, hence the result of my new look.. After my decision to make something new from scratch, i sat down there for at least 40 mins.. surfing around just to scavenge for ideas, and see what i could gather and form up my latest finding. While i was in the stage of "meditation", many color schemes has come across my mind.. and atlast.. i decided to resort back to the beginning of entity - Darkness. Oh well, at least that's what i believe (that everything starts from nothing). Hence, the current skin is black-ish alligned. I do not think this is a perfect outlook, my blog should have.. but oh well, at least it's good enuff to represent me for the time being. And question to all of you who happened to bum by and decided to have a go on this post, What do you think about the Pic attached at the top of blog (the header)? What do you think that is? It's kind of abstract alright, but at least it's original. I was thinking of using other pics, ![]() Best recreation game you could have in Adelaide (Location: My house) Using an inset picture like that, along with cliche themes like "Life is Gambling", "Just another bet", was my initial idea for the new look. Hmm.. but oh well.. i would rather try not to shape it that way, for now, maybe next time. leaving skool f-r3d at 9:06 PM 5 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} Art of Genital Origami Sunday, May 07, 2006 Yes, you heard me right, it's "genital" origami but not generic, general or whatever that's similar to the spelling of it. Genital Origami or namely "Puppetry of the Penis" is a performance show that first started in 1997 as a live show by Simon Morley and David "Friendy" Friend (they are both Australians). The theatrical contortion of the male genitalia (penis, scrotum and testicles) into various positions along with comedic narration has since spread internationally. It is humorously called "genital origami" referring to the flexibility of the human penis. Some of their tricks require an uncircumcised penis, others do not (at least that's what i think, so, sorry to all the "clean" ppl out there, you cant practice those). They are indeed famous, and has shows running around the world, EU, US, NZ, AUS, etc.. (but will never be allowed to perform in malaysia, trust me). ![]() the infamous penis puppeteers - Simon and Friendy Now, why am i suddently so engrossed into this penis contortion thinggy? Is it because of my utter curiosity and attitude to challenge n therefore a challenge as such? A: Because i've just came back from their live show yesterday night (80+ minutes of breathtaking performance) and so, i thought of promoting them a lil bit.. and i assure you i WILL not risk any part of my genitalia just to perform dick tricks like they did. Right, this is actually the second time i've been to their show, last year around july, i've witnessed it for the first time together with my mate, Ric, Nicole and Boon, the incredible art of genital contortion. This year round, because of peer pressure and such.. i decided to revisit the 8th.. hmm.. no.. 8th and 9th wonders of the world once more, and of course with the intention of releasing distresses and pressures that has been poured onto me due to assignment and other tensions. Evidently, i went with 6 other anxious human beings who has high curiousity towards penises that could transform into unthinkable shapes or performing acts that are theoritically impossible. I would not include their names, as it might be shameful to them or whatever, but oh well.. it was En Nick, Ashley who bought the tickets online, Sook Yee and yen Yen then decided to tag along.. with Andrew cheong misteriously involved together and jason to conform and participate along the way. Well, with little hesitation.. i decided to go again.. tho it cost me 30 bloody aussie dollar to watch 2 penises morphing around.. and that's what i thought before the show.. coz i thought i would witnessed again many familiar features.. however.. seriously.. however.. they included so much new tricks that are so amusing and also.. not to mention the supporting act that tag along before the 2 birdman's performance - Anna Hoffman, she did quite a good job setting up the mood and appetite (alright maybe that's not the right word). With all those installation that they have constructed for me.. i felt that the money is well spent. As, we cant possibly witness anything similar to that in malaysia.. and why not treat it as an once (twice for me) in a lifetime experience?? Well.. i shouldnt spoil you much bout the show.. by disclosing too much or what they will do in their show.. that will reduce expectation and the effect of surprise when you actually see it "live" and "alive". However.. there are few things that i could spare.. Rule #1 - if you have offensive feelings towards extreme exposure of male genitalia, don't go, or prepared to get brainwash and have a good laugh at it everytime you sees it in the future Rule #2 - treat it as some kind of abstract art or something.. but rather not like a freak show Rule #3- try not to be too serious bout the matter that 2 guys getting naked and swing their thinggys around, it's part of their job, their profession, and their "pride" Rule #4- DO NOT try those at home, unless you have proper guidance such as the DVD or the guide book they sell (yes, they somehow managed to find a publisher to publish it) Rule #5- DO NOT push it too hard, if you somehow decided to practice it, and "ladies!! Ask permission first!" (Friendy, 2006) Those are the rules that i've made up.. not for myself! Trust me not.. i might try out some of those..but with the objective of not spoiling anything with priority... Now, here's some teasers you can watch yourself, click here, and... remember ah.. mature content ah.. so if you are really under 18, must ask mummy and daddy first ah.. and dont share it with your lil siblings or so ah... you dont want them to play with their own and something gone wrong.. Alright one last push.. as their promotion.. imagine this.. (guys only).. have you ever imagine that.. you could make yoda from starwars out of your penis? well.. if you dont, they could!! leaving skool f-r3d at 12:19 PM 1 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} The elixir to Alcohol Immunity Thursday, May 04, 2006 Once upon a time in India, there was this Raja who's almost perfect as a ruler, from man management to physical attributes to political abilities. In one words, he's almost god, so perfect, however, there's one thing where he can never perform well.. which is Alcohol drinking! O' what a disgrace! for an Indian raja to be alcohol intolerant, it's like a cultural insult to his fellow citizens when the issue is raise. It has also been a bother for him ever since he was young, even a small sip of a diluted beer could grove him down and send him to dreamlands. Every day every night, he prays to the god the almighty, that one day he would overcome this "sickness" and be able to drink together with his fellowmen. As a King, he has been spending much man power to look for solution, from witchdoctor to ancient shamans, from western medication to eastern herbalism, everything, practically everything he could laid his hands on.. still no effect.. and there he was a sad king for a very long time. One day, a merchant along with a foreign ship from the south east, docked at the land that ruled by the Raja, and the story of raja's problem spreaded to his ears. With confidence, he went back to the ship he came with, grabbed a lil small bottle, and walk straight to the palace. He claims that he has a solution to solve the Raja's misery. The Raja promises him to grant his wish of setting up a business in his homeland and unlimited on-going supplies of dead crocodiles. With the deal done, he then revealed his thrump card, namely, "the Elixir of Alcohol Immunity" he claims. Without a doubt, the Raja drank it down in one shot. IT WAS HORRIBLE, MORE BITTERISH than anything you could imagine. The Raja was angry and thought that the merchant has cheated him to drink such POISON. Just before he could launch his assault on him, the merchant said,"my lord, you have been baptised by the god of Alcoholism, with the elixir that i brought from, before you kill me, why don't you try to drink now and see whether it has taken effect or not?" The king stumbled for a moment.. and decided to trust his words for once, and after a few bottles of todi, he laughed and cried to joy, as he said, "i've evolved!! I can DRINK!!" With that, the merchant won himself a small lil brewery back in his hometown, with unlimited supplies of dead crocodiles. --------------------------------- Hmmm, so, what have we learn here from the story? Yes, to tell all of you the truth, i've heard of the elixir, know how to get it, and personally tested and being baptized by it before.. don't believe? See it for yourself *point below ![]() The infamous BUAYA ![]() With such wonderful beverage, you must have such "wonderful" model chick for it It's up to you to believe in me or not.. but seriously this shit here, possessed almost similar ability to the elixir i mentioned before. After drinking this crocodile thing.. or Likeur Merah (wtf) back in January, i realized that my alcohol tolerance has been raised significantly. So much so that it became a bother, a problem, as i now need 4x more alcohol i used to drink in order to get just the hang of it.. WHY!!??? Alright, now back to the story on how this miserable bottle of "elixir" appears to me in my life. bout mid january, while i was on a food tour together with jason, joel and julian (the 3 gay Js, or so i claims) across west coast penisular, i saw this beverage located at the bottom left corner of a rack in a liquor store somewhere in Ipoh downtown. The cheapo packaging and weird designs caught my attention, along with the super cheap price - rm3!! So since i was on holiday and suppose to have fun, i bought it, and decided to test it out with the rest. Back at Jason's house in Ipoh, after finishing one whole salted chicken (yim kuk kai), i decided to open it now n try.. i was the first one to try and the only one who finish it off later.. For the first sip.. it taste very much like poison (tho i never really tasted one before.. but oh well), n it smells just like thinner, oh what a grave first impression. I let each of them take a sip.. and all of them returned with one conclusion, "WTF was that?" "Is it even drinkable?" Yes, it is i can assure you, as due to my upmost curiosity and the attitude to challenge everything challengeable, i accepted a bet suggested by either joel or julian, which is to finish the remaining of the "buaya", and if i could, i will earn myself an extra rm50 for my foodtrip budget. And so i accepted the bet, finish it in 2 mins (with video documentation)and from that point onwards, it changes my entire life. The drink itself is definitely dodgy, with the bottle being a recycled carlsberg bottle and with a V.S.O.P bottle cap... ![]() see!! V.S.O.P bottle cap, LMAO!! Everything bout the drink might be dodgy, but the effect of it after the consumption is not. Though i acted way hyper right after the drink, but it only affected my body but not my mind,i was still sane. (very, in fact) Anyway, to sum it up, if you have that kind of tendency to boast to your peers on how much you can drink, down, gobble, sip, suck, watever but in actual fact you cant, "Crocodile- Likeur Merah" or commonly known as Buaya the drink is your one and only solution. *buaya can be found in dodgy shops in Ipoh, Penang and Kampung Kampung area, i think. It's only rm3. And it has been proven that, it's not fatal, tho the aftereffect of it might turn you into half of a mutant. leaving skool f-r3d at 3:52 PM 0 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} My latest stress buster Tuesday, May 02, 2006 Judo (柔道) is a martial art, sport, and philosophy originated in Japan. Judo was developed from "Jujutsu" - a more brutal form of japanese martial, and was founded by Dr. Jigoro Kano (嘉納治五郎) in 1882. The sport became the model of the modern Japanese martial arts, and detached themselves from the old school that often included cruel and vulgar moves. Judo literally means "the gentle way", or "the method of giving way", and may also be defined as "the way of suppleness", "the way of flexibility, or "the way of adaptability". To English speakers, Judo and Jujutsu would mean "the easy way", as in the easiest way to accomplish something, or in martial arts' term, an easy way of denfending yourself. Similar to taichi (if you were to use it for self-defense), Judo follows the principle of using one's opponent's strength against him/herself and adapting well to changing circumstances.For example, if the attacker was to push against his opponent he would find his opponent stepping to the side and allowing (usually with the aid of a foot to trip him up) his momentum to throw him forwards (the inverse being true for pulling). as it would be my major weapon in the future.) Ever since i was young, possibly due to the influence of a japanese manga that plotted mainly on Judo and the life of a judoka, i've always wanted to pick it up. Unfortunately, i couldnt get the opportunity to pursue it while i was still in Malaysia, nonetheless.. at i least i finally started now. I've started judo since.. mid february.. been going for classes once a week, 2 hrs every session. And I am happy that other than myself.. there are also many ppl that share the same interest as me.. including Adrian, my mate from HELP as well, and many others that i've just starting to make friends with. It's fun that, when you have a master that keep shuffling you around and provides you the most interactive and practical experience during the session instead of just pushing you to work on your basic or physical exercises for too long (tho those things are also important..) So far, i've learnt quite abit both of the fielding techniques which mainly consists of throwing, sweeping, tripping, and combination of all the above and grounding techniques like different ways of pinning, scaffholding, strangling, and bodyweight shifting. It has been great since i had the chance to randori (friendly sparring) with ppl from different weight class, ranging from 11-12 yrs old small boy n small girl (one of my masters' daughter and son, well it looks really wrong when i was practicing my grounding works on the small girl... no matter what i was trying to pull out on.. :P), to girls from bout 45kg-over 100kg (that was a killer one.. she really shifted all her weight onto me, and i thought we were just practicing.. i m glad that i m still alive to type this after that technique she laid on me), to guys around my weight class, to guys 25% more heavier than me, and to guys double my weight class (... i prefer to keep my experience with them to myself). Additionally, we werent restricted to just students from our belt-range (as Judo follows the grading system similar to Karate or Taekwondo)but everyone else.. including our master, and some other really experienced judoka (most of them are black belts..) There was this fairly built and fit Japanese guy, who always like to bully me if he had the chance by applying techniques and skills that i've never seen before. Surplus to that, there's this girl (only 17 i think), she's a killer on the judo mat, as she has won the Nationwide amateur junior championship last year, and she's really swift despite her slightly buff's build. Personally, i think that judo is really a good way of releasing stress n of coz a fun way of exercise and at the same time acquiring skills n techniques to defend yourself when neccesary. Also, it's not too violent and vulgar, tho some of the moves can be fatal if you landed it incorrectly or forcefully.. but we are taught to be "gentle" as the meaning of judo emphasizes.. :P Anyway, this friday will be the day for my grading.. to upgrade myself to the second level of judo.. the yellow belt.. wish me luck, and if i have the chance i shall fulfill my one personal vendetta against one of the students in the class.. *ngek ngek ngek.. leaving skool f-r3d at 8:47 PM 2 pokies {WTFPWNKTHXBYE} |
![]() Host: F-r3d Occupation: Master in Everything Future occupation: Conflict evoker?